COP26: 95 experts in marine sciences call for ocean-based climate action
The Scientific Call will be delivered today at COP 26, during the meeting of the heads of state and governments of the Ocean Panel. Adelino Canário, Board Director of the Algarve Centre of Marine Sciences and Professor at the University of Algarve, is one of the signatories.
The United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP26 - is taking place this week in Glasgow, with the goal of uniting the world in the challenge of dealing with climate change. Today, November 2, 2021, the "World Leader's Summit" is taking place, a meeting in which leaders from around the world will be welcomed to demonstrate their commitment to ensure a neutral global carbon balance, keep the goal of 1.5ºC, help communities and natural habitats adapt to the impacts of climate change, and mobilize financial resources to fight climate change.
At today's meeting, the heads of state and government that constitute the Ocean Panel or High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy will launch their "Leaders Statement" and, in parallel, the Scientific Call signed by 95 world-renowned scientists that constitute the Ocean Panel's Expert Group.
In the Scientific Call, experts recognize the importance of the Ocean for climate regulation and for the world economy and highlight the Ocean's capacity to offer solutions for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Adelino Canário, Board Director of the Algarve Centre of Marine Sciences and Professor at the University of Algarve and one of the signatories of the Scientific Call, emphasizes that "The Scientific Call describes several strategies that current governments can adopt to preserve the Ocean and to enhance the Ocean's role towards climate change. These are ocean-focused strategies such as ensuring its sustainable management, achieving ocean protection goals, and recognizing the contribution of marine and coastal ecosystems to the carbon balance. If we want to fight climate change, these strategies need to move from being in reports to being implemented now."
You can read the original Scientific Statement HERE.