Exhibitions " Plastic in sight" and "8 Families, 8 Footprints" in MAR Shopping Algarve! | - CCMAR -

Exhibitions " Plastic in sight" and "8 Families, 8 Footprints" in MAR Shopping Algarve!


The aim of the exposition developed by CCMAR, which is currently being exhibited at MAR Shopping Algarve, is to appeal to the reduction, reuse and recycling of plastic. Dedicated to the problem of marine plastics in the Algarve, this exhibition is divided into two parts: "Plastics in sight" and "8 Families, 8 Footprints".

The students of Tomás Cabreira Secondary School, in Faro, were challenged to interpret, in an artistic way, the excessive consumption of plastic, which resulted in two collections of paintings called " Plastics in sight ". These two collections are associated with the campaign "Plastics in Sight! Get rid of this Species!" developed by DECO Algarve, based on the scientific monitoring carried out by CCMAR researchers along the Algarve coast. This campaign is also exhibited in several mupis in MAR Shopping Algarve, and aims to mobilize the public for the impacts of plastic on marine ecosystems.

In "8 Families, 8 Footprints", around 250 children from the 1st Section of the National Body of Scouts of the Algarve collaborated in the production of artistic pieces in an event that took place on the Gambelas campus of the University of the Algarve. The pieces represent the consumption of 8 families, who live in Algarve, and aim to warn about the excessive consumption of plastic waste that characterizes current consumption patterns.

The pieces will be on exhibition until October 20th at MAR Shopping Algarve. Don’t miss it!