First component of the Cadiz Station of the EMSO-PT project installed in the south of Sagres | - CCMAR -

First component of the Cadiz Station of the EMSO-PT project installed in the south of Sagres


The first component of the Cadiz Station of the EMSO-PT project was successfully installed at 10 nautical miles south of Sagres, at the 200 meters bathymetric. The installation was performed aboard the NI Mário Ruivo in collaboration with the Portuguese Institute for the Ocean and Atmosphere, by our researchers Paulo Relvas and Carlos Sousa and by researchers Luciano Junior and Erwan Garel of the Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (CIMA-UAlg).

The Cadiz station installed corresponds to the EMSO-PT/CCMAR infrastructure, composed of two autonomous systems: a water column profiler, which collects approximately 100 profiles per day along the first 150 meters of the water column, and an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), placed on a subsurface buoy at 150 m depth.

The profiler is equipped with sensors that monitor temperature, salinity, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen, while the ADCP will measure the speed and direction of ocean currents. This information will be used, among other possible applications, to understand ocean stratification, primary production, and coastal circulation. This is also an Eulerian data collection point, which will contribute to the validation and improvement of numerical models related to oceanic processes

The EMSO-PT/CCMAR infrastructure is expected to be in continuous and autonomous operation until the end of September 2021, when the data will be collected. With this installation, CCMAR, as a member of the EMSO-PT consortium, becomes the pioneer entity in the acquisition of this type of long-term, high-frequency data. This will allow us to promote the knowledge of the functioning of the ocean along the coast of Europe and to evaluate the consequences of climate change on the structure of the water column and on the functioning of the coastal ocean, to improve the mitigation strategy of the effects of climate change.


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