IPCC: Worldwide experts will meet at the University of Algarve to discuss climate change | - CCMAR -

IPCC: Worldwide experts will meet at the University of Algarve to discuss climate change


Around 300 world climate change experts will meet in Faro from 27 January to 1 February 2020 as part of a working meeting organized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 

This meeting will provide the contributions of IPCC Working Group II, which focuses on the impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability of climate change. These contributions, in turn, will be included in the Sixth Assessment Report which will provide world governments an assessment of the latest scientific knowledge about the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and human systems, as well as their vulnerabilities. It will also analyze the capacities and limits of these systems to adapt to climate change and the options for reducing climate risks and creating a sustainable future.

The IPCC is a highly regarded organization that gathers researchers and politicians from all over the world. It was founded by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations for the Environment Program in 1988, with the main objective of synthesizing and disseminating the most advanced knowledge on climate change, pointing out its causes, effects, and risks to humanity and the environment and contributing to the establishment of global and national climate policies. The quality and seriousness of the work developed by the IPCC, which involves the most renowned researchers of these days, earned it the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

Since its founding, the IPCC has produced five major Evaluation Reports and other documents that are extremely relevant to society and policymakers. The Fifth Assessment Report, released in 2014, concludes that climate change is real and that human activities are its main cause. 

The reunion that will take place in Faro, by invitation of the Ministry of the Sea and organized by the University of Algarve and the Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR), is the 3rd of four working meetings that the IPCC Working Group II holds to prepare its contributions to the 6th Evaluation Report. It should be noted that this report will also include contributions from Working Group I, which focuses on the physical science base of climate change, and Working Group III, which focuses on climate change mitigation.