IV Summer Shoal - a scientific retreat to rethink the present and design the future of fish welfare | - CCMAR -

IV Summer Shoal - a scientific retreat to rethink the present and design the future of fish welfare


For the second consecutive year, the fourth edition of Summer Shoal was organised in Portugal, in the Algarve. This event is a scientific retreat for researchers, industry, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and policymakers to discuss the present and future of aquaculture fish welfare at a global level.

Coming from 12 countries, including India and USA, participants showcased the latest advances in their research areas. From June 28 to July 1, in an exchange of knowledge and ideas, very important topics were discussed such as:

  • new insights about fish being sentient beings (capable of feeling pain, fear and other emotions) and their welfare needs;
  • improvements in farmed fish lives such as environmental enrichment (providing stimuli to captive fish that mimic what they would find in their natural environment), new handling methods, new technological advances in the measurement of behaviour and welfare and new perspectives on stocking densities;
  • advances in new methods and technologies for stunning and slaughtering fish in aquaculture - new technologies and methods, new protocols and new standards;
  • upcoming and established certification standards - fish welfare is beginning to be addressed seriously by several certification labels that require effective measures to protect animal welfare in certified fish farms.

This unique scientific event - without access to technology and with sessions held outside in a garden, under a centennial tree, in a big circle - was organised by our researchers from the Fish Ethology and Welfare group with the collaboration of Fair-fish International.