New on Board: Carmen Santos | - CCMAR -

New on Board: Carmen Santos


Tell us a bit about the work you are/will be doing at CCMAR. 
I will research the capacity of coastal vegetated ecosystems, such as seagrass meadows and salt marshes, to sequester and store carbon, the so-called Blue Carbon. In the next years, my main objective is to assess the Blue Carbon stocks in continental Portugal.

What were you doing before you joined us? 
In fact, I joined CCMAR in 2016 as a post-doctoral researcher. Since then, I have been mostly working in the assessment of two ecosystem services of the Ria Formosa lagoon: carbon sequestration and water purification (including microplastics).

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? 
I enjoy very much the contact with the natural world, so I mostly spend my free time diving, kayaking, and trekking. I also like cooking veggie dishes and reading non-fiction books.