New on board: Lélia Matos | - CCMAR -

New on board: Lélia Matos


Tell us a bit about the work you are/will be doing at CCMAR.
I am working as a Lab Technician of the EMSO project at the new clean lab housed at the IPMA-Algés Campus. Together with the remaining group, we will be setting and developing the necessary procedures to perform trace element analyses on carbonate organisms on an ICP-MS device.


What were you doing before you joined us?
I am a paleoceanographer and, thus, I use fossils to reconstruct past ocean conditions. My main line of research is to study intermediate water mass changes using chemical analyses on cold-water corals. On my last position I was studying diatoms – single-celled microalgae – to reconstruct productivity changes in the Iberian margin upwelling system taking place a few hundred thousand years ago.


What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I enjoy spending time with family and friends, such as relaxing after work. I like to travel both to faraway places as much as to the hidden places of our countryside. Hiking and MTB are my favorite outdoor activities. I also love music, singing and playing sax, so occasionally I join with friends for a jam.