New on Board: Nuno de Jesus | - CCMAR -

New on Board: Nuno de Jesus


Tell us a bit about the work you are /will be doing at CCMAR   
I’ll be handling experimental fish and maintaining all support systems for those organisms, in three different labs, as well as some field activities related to Fish Ethology and Welfare Group. Additionally, I will be assisting students by providing technical support in developing projects and thesis associated with degrees, master’s degrees, and PhD thesis.


What were you doing before you joined us?
I worked twenty years as photojournalist in several national papers such as: Diário de Notícias, Público, etc., as well as teaching B&W Photography and Dark Room Techniques at IPDJ – Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude.
I Also worked as a TV Camera Assistant for RTP. 
I decided to change my field of work by taking an Aquaculture Course. 
After concluding it I had an internship working with Sea Horses at Ramalhete Station and soon after that I began working at CCMAR, five years ago.


What do you enjoy doing outside work?
Definitely like to be at home reading and listening to music. Writing, cooking or simply doing those small things that have to be done.
Occasionally would walk by the sea or countryside during wintertime and shoot some pictures. Sometimes I like to take long drives to Northern Spain or through Portugal small towns and villages.