Paleoceanography research discuss at the 42nd CIESM Congress | - CCMAR -

Paleoceanography research discuss at the 42nd CIESM Congress


Since 1919, the International Commission for the Scientific Exploitation of the Mediterranean (CIESM) has aimed to support several thousand marine researchers.

The objective of the 42nd CIESM Congress was to discuss issues related to the Mediterranean Sea, its exploitation, biodiversity and geophysical process with the participation of more than two hundred experts in the area. 

Our IPMA collaborators and researchers Dulce Oliveira, Antje Voelker, Teresa Rodrigues, Emília Salgueiro, Lélia Matos, Ana Lopes and Andreia Rebotim from Oceanography and Climate Change group, participated in an important session about Paleoceanography. With strong research expertise in this area, Fátima Abrantes, IPMA researcher and also a collaborator of CCMAR, was the moderator of this session.

Currently, changes in the Mediterranean Sea are occurring to fast. CIESM investigates these changes, from the impact of global warming on sea levels and water masses to the changes in marine biodiversity.

Prince Albert of Monaco, president of CIESM, and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa inaugurated this congress, in which our President of the Republic called the attention of the scientific community to connect with the economic activities, public opinion and political decision makers. 

Watch the video available on youtube about the congress HERE.