The Public Consultation on the Marine Protected Area of the Algarve Reef ends with strong participation | - CCMAR -

The Public Consultation on the Marine Protected Area of the Algarve Reef ends with strong participation


The Public Consultation on the Act of Classification of the Marine Natural Park of the Algarve Reef - Pedra do Valado, coordinated by ICNF, has ended. This consultation revealed a strong, comprehensive and heterogeneous participation, with 160 comments and 86 documents submitted. Participating entities include the municipalities of Albufeira, Lagoa, Silves, Loulé and Faro, fishermen's associations, hotel industry, school groups, maritime-tourist companies, diving schools, several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and scientific institutions, along with other representatives of civil society.

CCMAR/University of Algarve and the Oceano Azul Foundation congratulate the Portuguese Government and ICNF for conducting this Public Consultation, as well as all the citizens and entities that participated in it, demonstrating the national importance of this regional project, crucial for the protection of the ocean and an unique ecosystem in the Algarve region.

The Public Consultation, that ended on the 4th of August, is based on a proposal built through an unprecedented participatory process: born, promoted and boosted by the community, it had the involvement of more than 70 entities and is based on a solid scientific foundation.

Two years after this proposal was submitted to the Government, during which the involvement of the Algarve was permanent, the response of civil society proved to be strong, especially as it took place in the middle of summer and typical holiday season.

Marine protected areas, when properly designed and implemented, produce more and bigger fish, and support a greater diversity of species. In turn, we can have a better economic activity, with a higher return for fishing, a more sustainable tourism, enhancing the territories, activities and products of the sea by protecting and favouring this natural capital and ensuring the interests and needs of the community that depends on it.