Workshop on "Cetaceans and Sea Turtles of the Algarve" had a full room! | - CCMAR -

Workshop on "Cetaceans and Sea Turtles of the Algarve" had a full room!


Last November 24, the Algarve Stranding Network (RAAlg) organized the workshop "Cetaceans and Sea Turtles of the Algarve" to promote Ocean Literacy and increase awareness about protected marine species, such as cetaceans and sea turtles off mainland Portugal, particularly on the Algarve coast.

In less than two weeks, registrations were sold out! "The fact that we kept the room almost full until the end of the event, and for more than 4 hours, reflects the importance of what was presented and the willingness of attendees to learn and discuss opinions. We promise for the next year a bigger event!" summarizes Ana Marçalo, CCMAR researcher and RAAlg coordinator.

For the event were invited entities, companies and researchers working in the areas of biology and marine conservation. Among them were present, in addition to RAAlg itself, which disseminated its results as a stranding network, ZOOMARINE's Rehabilitation Center for Marine Species, the companies Ocean Vibes, WildWatch Algarve and Mar Ilimitado, and non-governmental organizations such as the Marine Environment Research Association (AIMM) and ICNF.

The workshop "is a start for future collaborations between groups and people so that together we can all work towards a common goal, which is the protection and conservation of these species,".

The RAAlg is a project that has a collaborative protocol between CCMAR (coordinating entity), ICNF and FUNDO AMBIENTAL (funding entity). The project aims to provide a faster response to the occurrence of strandings of cetaceans (dolphins and whales) and sea turtles along the Algarve to determine patterns of occurrence and assess causes of death.