Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TitleLong-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsHelmuth, B, Choi, F, Matzelle, A, Torossian, JL, Morello, SL, Mislan, KAS, Yamane, L, Strickland, D, P. Szathmary, L, Gilman, SE, Tockstein, A, Hilbish, TJ, Burrows, MT, Power, AMarie, Gosling, E, Mieszkowska, N, Harley, CDG, Nishizaki, M, Carrington, E, Menge, B, Petes, L, Foley, MM, Johnson, A, Poole, M, Noble, MM, Richmond, EL, Robart, M, Robinson, J, Sapp, J, Sones, J, Broitman, BR, Denny, MW, Mach, KJ, Miller, LP, O’Donnell, M, Ross, P, Hofmann, GE, Zippay, M, Blanchette, C, Macfarlan, JA, Carpizo-Ituarte, E, Ruttenberg, B, Mejía, CEPeña, McQuaid, CD, Lathlean, J, Monaco, CJ, Nicastro, KR, Zardi, G
Year of Publication2016
JournalScientific Data
Date PublishedNov-10-2016
Short TitleSci. Data
CCMAR Authors