Hypoxic Induced Decrease in Oxygen Consumption in Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) Is Associated with Minor Increases in Mantle Octopine but No Changes in Markers of Protein Turnover | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TitleHypoxic Induced Decrease in Oxygen Consumption in Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) Is Associated with Minor Increases in Mantle Octopine but No Changes in Markers of Protein Turnover
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsCapaz, JC, Tunnah, L, MacCormack, TJ, Lamarre, SG, Sykes, AV, Driedzic, WR
Year of Publication2017
JournalFrontiers in Physiology
Date PublishedFeb-05-2019
Short TitleFront. Physiol.
CCMAR Authors