The genome and transcriptome of Japanese flounder provide insights into flatfish asymmetry | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TitleThe genome and transcriptome of Japanese flounder provide insights into flatfish asymmetry
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsShao, C, Bao, B, Xie, Z, Chen, X, Li, B, Jia, X, Yao, Q, Ortí, G, Li, W, Li, X, Hamre, K, Xu, J, Wang, L, Chen, F, Tian, Y, Schreiber, AM, Wang, N, Wei, F, Zhang, J, Dong, Z, Gao, L, Gai, J, Sakamoto, T, Mo, S, Chen, W, Shi, Q, Li, H, Xiu, Y, Li, Y, Xu, W, Shi, Z, Zhang, G, Power, DM, Wang, Q, Schartl, M, Chen, S
Year of Publication2017
JournalNature Genetics
Date PublishedJan-01-2017
Pagination119 - 124
Short TitleNat Genet
CCMAR Authors