Latitude, temperature, and habitat complexity predict predation pressure in eelgrass beds across the Northern Hemisphere | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TitleLatitude, temperature, and habitat complexity predict predation pressure in eelgrass beds across the Northern Hemisphere
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsReynolds, PL, Stachowicz, JJ, Hovel, K, Boström, C, Boyer, K, Cusson, M, Eklöf, JS, Engel, FG, Engelen, AH, Eriksson, BKlemens, F. Fodrie, J, Griffin, JN, Hereu, CM, Hori, M, Hanley, TC, Ivanov, M, Jorgensen, P, Kruschel, C, Lee, K‐S, McGlathery, K, Moksnes, P‐O, Nakaoka, M, O'Connor, MI, O'Connor, NE, Orth, RJ, Rossi, F, Ruesink, J, Sotka, EE, Thormar, J, Tomas, F, Unsworth, RKF, Whalen, MA, J. Duffy, E
Year of Publication2018
Date PublishedJan-01-2018
Pagination29 - 35
Short TitleEcology
CCMAR Authors