Ibon García-Gallego flew to Norway to work on fish diets | - CCMAR -

Ibon García-Gallego flew to Norway to work on fish diets


Our researcher Ibon García-Gallego was in Norway for a month doing a secondment in an industry company partner of the project he is part of. A secondment is when a member of an organisation moves temporarily to another organisation to develop their research.

Here is the postcard he sent us:


Why did I go to Stavanger in Norway?
As I am an early-stage researcher, I had the opportunity to do a secondment for a month at the company Skretting Aquaculture Innovation (AI) in Stavanger, Norway, which is a partner of the EATFISH project of which I am part of the team. 
During my secondment, I was involved in the formulation of the experimental diets for my next experimental trial. Secondments allow the PhD fellows to further enrich their training experience and network, and in this case, to gain a practical perspective of the industry mode of operation.


New opportunities
During my stay in Stavanger, I had the opportunity to get to know the workplace and culture of this company, which in my case broadened my perspective and enriched my scientific mind.
I also presented the latest findings of my PhD thesis and discussed with the researchers of the company the key performance indicators used by the industry to develop a new diet.
I also had the opportunity to take part in two samplings of Atlantic salmon at the Skretting AI Lerang Research Station and visit their biotechnology laboratory.


Expanding connections between academia and industry
When it comes to working with research organizations and universities, Skretting AI is always willing to share its expertise and knowledge. There should always be a link between academia and industry. Thanks to this important connection, students might find employment in the industry.