Smart valorisation and sustainable use of natural resources from coastal areas of Portugal and France in the cosmetic industry | - CCMAR -

Smart valorisation and sustainable use of natural resources from coastal areas of Portugal and France in the cosmetic industry

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Bilateral project, PESSOA programme


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Smart valorisation and sustainable use of natural resources from coastal areas of Portugal and France in the cosmetic industry

SmartBeauty aims to boost the valorisation and sustainable use of natural resources common in coastal areas of Portugal and France, specifically the halophytes Polygonum maritimum L. and Chrithmum maritimum, in the cosmetic industry. Plants will be cultivated in greenhouse and outdoor settings under different saline irrigation resources and subtracts. Extracts will be prepared from produced plants and from those from the wild, and appraised for in vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, photoprotective, skin sagging preventive and anti-melanogenesis assets. Active samples are assessed for toxicity; active and non-toxic extracts are chemically characterized. SmartBeauty links the XtremeBio team from CMAR (Portugal) and EA7462 (Geoarchi) from Université de Bretagne Occidentale (France) and foils knowledge assembled on previous R&D projects, adds to the exchange of knowledge and training of (young) researchers, complements skills and strengthens relationship between the groups.



Name Position
Luísa Custódio Senior Researcher
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Luísa Custódio
Senior Researcher