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Beirão J, Soares F, Herráez MP, Dinis MT, Cabrita E. Sperm quality evaluation in Solea senegalensis during the reproductive season at cellular level. Theriogenology. 2009;72(9):1251-61.
Laizé V, Tiago DM, Aureliano M, M. Cancela L. New insights into mineralogenic effects of vanadate. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2009;66(24):3831-6.
Pereira MJoão, Carvalho E, Eriksson JW, Crans DC, Aureliano M. Effects of decavanadate and insulin enhancing vanadium compounds on glucose uptake in isolated rat adipocytes. J Inorg Biochem. 2009;103(12):1687-92.
Cunha RL, Grande C, Zardoya R. Neogastropod phylogenetic relationships based on entire mitochondrial genomes. BMC Evol Biol. 2009;9:210.
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, McQuaid CDavid, Gektidis M. Effects of endolithic parasitism on invasive and indigenous mussels in a variable physical environment. PLoS One. 2009;4(8):e6560.
Gómez-Zavaglia A, Kaczor A, Almeida R, et al. Thermally induced sigmatropic isomerization of pseudosaccharyl allylic ether. J Phys Chem A. 2009;113(15):3517-22.
Aureliano M, Crans DC. Decavanadate (V10 O28 6-) and oxovanadates: oxometalates with many biological activities. J Inorg Biochem. 2009;103(4):536-46.
Martínez-Páramo S, Barbosa V, Pérez-Cerezales S, Robles V, Herráez MP. Cryoprotective effects of antifreeze proteins delivered into zebrafish embryos. Cryobiology. 2009;58(2):128-33.
Assis J, Tavares D, Tavares J, Cunha A, Alberto F, Serrão EA. Findkelp, a GIS-based community participation project to assess Portuguese kelp conservation status. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009;3:1469–1473.
Cunha AH, Assis JF, Serrão EA. Estimation of available seagrass meadow area in Portugal for transplanting purposes. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009;56:1100–1104.
Cabrita E, V R, Sarasquete C, Herráez MP. Sperm cryopreservation from the marine teleost, Sparus aurata, in: Methods in Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine and Freshwater Species. In: Methods In Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine And Freshwater Species. Vol. 1. 1st ed. Methods in Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine and Freshwater Species. Florida: Taylor and Francis; 2009:447-452.
Cabrita E, V R, Herráez MP. Sperm quality assessment, in: Methods in Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine and Freshwater Species, Cabrita, E., Robles V., Herraez, M.P. (Eds.). In: Methods In Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine And Freshwater Species, Cabrita, E., Robles V., Herraez, M.p. (Eds.). Vol. 1. 1st ed. Methods in Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine and Freshwater Species, Cabrita, E., Robles V., Herraez, M.P. (Eds.). Florida: Taylor and Francis; 2009:93-148.
Herráez MP, Robles V, Cabrita E. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sperm cryopreservation In: Methods in Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine and Freshwater Species. In: Methods In Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine And Freshwater Species. Vol. 1. 1st ed. Methods in Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine and Freshwater Species. Florida: Taylor and Francis; 2009:385-390.
Lino PG, Bentes L, Abecasis D, Santos MNeves dos, Erzini K. Comparative Behavior of Wild and Hatchery Reared White Sea Bream (Diplodus sargus) Released on Artificial Reefs Off the Algarve (Southern Portugal). In: Nielsen JL, Nielsen JL, Arrizabalaga H, et al., eds. Vol. 9. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands; 2009:23 - 34.
Robles V, Cabrita E, Herráez MP. Sperm cryopreservation of sex-reversed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). In: Methods in Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine and Freshwater Species, Cabrita, E., Robles V., Herraez, M.P. (Eds.) . In: Methods In Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine And Freshwater Species, Cabrita, E., Robles V., Herraez, M.p. (Eds.) . Vol. 1. 1st ed. Methods in Reproductive Aquaculture: Marine and Freshwater Species, Cabrita, E., Robles V., Herraez, M.P. (Eds.) . Florida: Taylor and Francis; 2009:391-396.
Santos AMP, Machado PB, Relvas P. Applications of satellite remote sensing and GIS to oceanography and fisheries: Case studies in the Western Iberia. In: Geoinformatics For Natural Resource Management. P.K. Joshi, P. Pani, S.N. Mohapartra & T.P. Singh, eds, Nova Science Publisher, New York, USA. Geoinformatics for Natural Resource Management. ; 2009.
Santos AMP, Machado PB, Relvas P. Applications of satellite remote sensing and GIS to oceanography and fisheries. In: Geoinformatics For Natural Resource Management. P.K. Joshi, P. Pani, S.N. Mohapartra & T.P. Singh, eds, Nova Science Publisher, New York, USA. Geoinformatics for Natural Resource Management. ; 2009.