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Manuel M, Martins J. Partitioning of 1-pyrenesulfonate into zwitterionic and mixed zwitterionic/anionic fluid phospholipid bilayers. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. 2008;154(2):79 - 86.
Teodósio MA, Chícharo L. RNA:DNA Ratio and Other Nucleic Acid Derived Indices in Marine Ecology. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2008;9(8):1453 - 1471.
Cristiano MLS, Ruasse M-F. Editorial. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 2008;21(7-8):523 - 523.
Garrido S, Rosa R, Ben-Hamadou R, Cunha MEmilia, Teodósio MA, van der Lingen CD. Spatio-temporal variability in fatty acid trophic biomarkers in stomach contents and muscle of Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and its relationship with spawning. Marine Biology. 2008;154(6):1053 - 1065.
Silva J, Feijóo P, Santos R. Underwater measurements of carbon dioxide evolution in marine plant communities: A new method. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2008;78(4):827 - 830.
Verissimo E, Berry N, Gibbons P, et al. Design and synthesis of novel 2-pyridone peptidomimetic falcipain 2/3 inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2008;18(14):4210 - 4214.
Correia M, Palma J, Kirakowski T, Andrade JP. Effects of prey nutritional quality on the growth and survival of juvenile cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758). Aquaculture Research. 2008;39(8):869 - 876.
Gonçalves JMS, Bentes L, Coelho R, et al. Non-commercial invertebrate discards in an experimental trammel net fishery. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 2008;15(3):199 - 210.
Palma J, Correia M, Andrade JP. Usefulness of flat bottom tanks on the settlement of spider crab (Maja squinado, Herbst) larvae. Aquaculture Research. 2008;39(9):1005 - 1008.
Palma J, Stockdale J, Correia M, Andrade JP. Growth and survival of adult long snout seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus) using frozen diets. Aquaculture. 2008;278(1-4):55 - 59.
Abrantes F, Alt-Epping U, Lebreiro S, Voelker AHL, Schneider R. Sedimentological record of tsunamis on shallow-shelf areas: The case of the 1969 AD and 1755 AD tsunamis on the Portuguese Shelf off Lisbon. Marine Geology. 2008;249(3-4):283 - 293.
Kaczor A, Almeida R, Gómez-Zavaglia A, Cristiano MLS, Fausto R. Molecular structure and infrared spectra of the monomeric 3-(methoxy)-1,2-benzisothiazole 1,1-dioxide (methyl pseudosaccharyl ether). Journal of Molecular Structure. 2008;876(1-3):77 - 85.
Barata EN, Serrano RM, Miranda A, Nogueira R, Hubbard PC, Canario AVM. Putative pheromones from the anal glands of male blennies attract females and enhance male reproductive success. Animal Behaviour. 2008;75(2):379 - 389.
Gómez-Zavaglia A, Kaczor A, Almeida R, Cristiano MLS, Fausto R. Conformational Space of the P seudo saccharin Allyl Ether 3-(Allyloxy)-1,2-benzisothiazole 1,1-Dioxide in Gas Phase and in Rare Gas Matrices. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2008;112(8):1762 - 1772.
Salgueiro E, Voelker AHL, Abrantes F, et al. Planktonic foraminifera from modern sediments reflect upwelling patterns off Iberia: Insights from a regional transfer function. Marine Micropaleontology. 2008;66(3-4):135 - 164.
Abecasis D, Bentes L, Coelho R, et al. Ageing seabreams: A comparative study between scales and otoliths. Fisheries Research. 2008;89(1):37 - 48.
Abecasis D, Bentes L, Ribeiro J, Machado D. First record of the Mediterranean parrotfish, Sparisoma cretense in Ria Formosa (south Portugal). Marine Biodiversity Records. 2008;1.
Abecasis D, Bentes L, Ribeiro J, et al. First record of the Mediterranean parrotfish, Sparisoma cretense in Ria Formosa (south Portugal). Marine Biodiversity Records. 2008;1.
Aragão C, Corte-Real J, Costas B, Dinis MT, Conceição LEC. Stress response and changes in amino acid requirements in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup 1858). Amino Acids. 2008;34(1):143 - 148.