Journal Article
Host and Environmental Specificity in Bacterial Communities Associated to Two Highly Invasive Marine Species (Genus Asparagopsis). Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016;7. .
Enemies with benefits: parasitic endoliths protect mussels against heat stress. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:31413. .
Absence of N-terminal acetyltransferase diversification during evolution of eukaryotic organisms. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:21304. .
A Well-Kept Treasure at Depth: Precious Red Coral Rediscovered in Atlantic Deep Coral Gardens (SW Portugal) after 300 Years. PLOS ONE. 2016;11(1):e0147228.
Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors. Scientific Data. 2016;3:160087.
Organellar phylogenomics of an emerging model system: Sphagnum (peatmoss). Annals of Botany. 2016;118(2):185 - 196.
Corticotropin-releasing hormone family evolution: five ancestral genes remain in some lineages. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 2016;57(1):73 - 86. .
Multiple domestications of Asian rice. Nature Plants. 2016;2(4):16037. .
Quantitative analysis of biogenic polyamines in distilled drinks by direct electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry using a nanocontainer. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2016;30(17):1963 - 1968. .
The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea. Nature. 2016;530(7590):331 - 335.
Conservation physiology of marine fishes: state of the art and prospects for policy. Conservation Physiology. 2016;4(1):cow046.
A comparative evaluation of biological activities and bioactive compounds of the seagrasses Zostera marina and Zostera noltei from southern Portugal. Natural Product Research. 2016;30(6):724 - 728.
Temperature is not a limiting factor for the expansion of Halophila stipulacea throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2016;544:159 - 167. .
Lack of fine-scale genetic structure and distant mating in natural populations of Fucus vesiculosus. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2016;544:131 - 142. .
Quantitative assessment of the regenerative and mineralogenic performances of the zebrafish caudal fin. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:39191.
Rhizosphere Microbiomes of European + Seagrasses Are Selected by the Plant, But Are Not Species Specific. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016;7. .
Overlooked habitat of a vulnerable gorgonian revealed in the Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic by ecological niche modelling. Scientific Reports. 2016;6(1). .