Ria Formosa | - CCMAR -
Researchers from CCMAR have quantified the fish hatchery service that the Ria Formosa provides, valuing it at several tens of millions of euros per year.
Those interested have until 28 October to buy one of the 154 panels and contribute, in this way, to the conservation of these important habitats.
The action included theoretical and practical sessions and a field trip to Ria Formosa, including a visit to the seahorse’s sanctuary and the Ramalhete Aquaculture Station.
Alizé is working as a research fellow for seagrass restoration projects in Ria Formosa. Welcome!
The portuguese Minister of the Sea dived this week in one of the Ria Formosa's seahorse sanctuaries recently created in the Ria Formosa in the Algarve and where animals were released last November.
A delightful campaign that was supported by our researchers.
The Almancil International Rotary Club , a partner of CCMAR-Algarve and ICNF, is seeking donations from anyone interested in contributing to ensure the implementation of measures for the seahorse protection areas.
Numa competição pelos nutrientes disponíveis em ecossistemas costeiros, como é o caso da Ria Formosa, os investigadores do Centro de Ciências do Mar (CCMAR) concluíram que as ervas marinhas ganham às algas.