2024 |
Carlier JDias, Ferreira GMagno dos, Schwan RFreitas, da Silva CFerreira, Costa MClara. Pb2+ biosorption by Serratia marcescens CCMA 1010 and its relation with zntR gene expression and ZntA efflux pump regulation. Environmental Advances. 2024;15:100479. doi:10.1016/j.envadv.2023.100479 |
2023 |
Ferreira GMagno dos, Pires JFerreira, Ribeiro LSilva, et al. Impact of lead (Pb2+) on the growth and biological activity of Serratia marcescens selected for wastewater treatment and identification of its zntR gene—a metal efflux regulator. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2023;39(4). doi:10.1007/s11274-023-03535-1 |
2023 |
Nobahar A, Carlier JDias, Costa MClara. Recovery of catalytic metals from leaching solutions of spent automotive catalytic converters using plant extractsAbstract. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 2023. doi:10.1007/s10098-023-02523-1 |
2023 |
Díaz LAdriana, Carlier JDias, Michalak I, Costa MClara. Potential Use of Agricultural Waste—Carob Kibbles (Ceratonia siliqua L.) as a Biosorbent for Removing Boron from Wastewater. Separations. 2023;10(9):464. doi:10.3390/separations10090464 |
2023 |
Nobahar A, Lourenço JPaulo, Costa MClara, Carlier JDias. Printed Circuit Boards Leaching Followed by Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticle Clusters Using Plant ExtractsAbstract. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 2023. doi:10.1007/s12649-023-02272-8 |
2022 |
Beltrán IMarín, Demaria F, Ofelio C, et al. Scientists' warning against the society of waste. Science of The Total Environment. 2022. |
2022 |
Nobahar A, Melka ABejiga, Pusta A, Lourenço JPaulo, Carlier JDias, Costa MClara. A New Application of Solvent Extraction to Separate Copper from Extreme Acid Mine Drainage Producing Solutions for Electrochemical and Biological Recovery Processes. Mine Water and the Environment. 2022;41(2):387 - 401. doi:10.1007/s10230-022-00858-7 |
2022 |
Nobahar A, Melka ABejiga, Marín-Beltrán I, Neves L, Costa MClara, Carlier JDias. Zinc Recovery from an Extreme Copper-Free Acid Mine Drainage: Studying the Prior Separation of Ferric Iron by Solvent Extraction using AliCy and/or Alkalinization. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy. 2022. doi:10.1007/s40831-022-00588-8 |
2021 |
Boutoub O, el-Guendouz S, Manhita A, et al. Comparative Study of the Antioxidant and Enzyme Inhibitory Activities of Two Types of Moroccan Euphorbia Entire Honey and Their Phenolic Extracts. Foods. 2021;10(8):1909. doi:10.3390/foods10081909 |
2021 |
Palma TLuz, Shylova A, Carlier JDias, Costa MClara. An autochthonous aerobic bacterial community and its cultivable isolates capable of degrading fluoxetine. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. 2021;96(10):2813 - 2826. doi:10.1002/jctb.v96.1010.1002/jctb.6829 |
2021 |
Nobahar A, Carlier JDias, Miguel MGraça, Costa MClara. A review of plant metabolites with metal interaction capacity: a green approach for industrial applications. BioMetals. 2021. doi:10.1007/s10534-021-00315-y |
2020 |
TRIFI H, BEN SALEM I, BENZINA NKOLSI, et al. Effectiveness of plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Pantoea sp. BRM17 in enhancing canola growth on phosphogypsum-amended soil. Pedosphere. 2020;30(4):570 - 576. doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(17)60454-5 |
2020 |
Carlier JD, Ettamimi S, Cox CJ, Hammani K, Ghazal H, Costa MClara. Prokaryotic diversity in stream sediments affected by acid mine drainage. Extremophiles. 2020. doi:10.1007/s00792-020-01196-8 |
2020 |
Carlier JDias, Luís ATeresa, Alexandre LMiguel, Costa MClara. Feasibility of Co-Treating Olive Mill Wastewater and Acid Mine Drainage. Mine Water and the Environment. 2020. doi:10.1007/s10230-020-00719-1 |
2020 |
Nogueira CA, Paiva APaula, Costa MClara, da Costa AMRosa. Leaching efficiency and kinetics of the recovery of palladium and rhodium from a spent auto-catalyst in HCl/CuCl 2 media. Environmental Technology. 2020;41(18):2293 - 2304. doi:10.1080/09593330.2018.1563635 |
2019 |
Nanusha MYohannes, Carlier JDias, Carvalho GIvo, Costa MClara, Paiva APaula. Separation and recovery of Pd and Fe as nanosized metal sulphides by combining solvent extraction with biological strategies based on the use of sulphate-reducing bacteria. Separation and Purification Technology. 2019;212:747 - 756. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2018.11.062 |
2018 |
Costa MClara, Assunção A, Almeida R, da Costa AMaria Rosa, Nogueira C, Paiva APaula. N,N′-dimethyl-N,N′-dicyclohexylsuccinamide: A novel molecule for the separation and recovery of Pd(II) by liquid-liquid extraction. Separation and Purification Technology. 2018;201:96 - 105. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2018.02.050 |
2018 |
Rodríguez-Solana R, Carlier JDias, Costa MClara, Romano A. Multi-element characterisation of carob, fig and almond liqueurs by MP-AES. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2018. doi:10.1002/jib.495 |
2018 |
Palma TLuz, Donaldben MNeba, Costa MClara, Carlier JDias. Putative Role of Flavobacterium, Dokdonella and Methylophilus Strains in Paracetamol Biodegradation. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2018;229(6). doi:10.1007/s11270-018-3858-2 |
2016 |
Assunção A, Costa MClara, Carlier JDias. Application of urea–agarose gel electrophoresis to select non-redundant 16S rRNAs for taxonomic studies: palladium(II) removal bacteria. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016;100(6):2721 - 2735. doi:10.1007/s00253-015-7163-3 |
2016 |
Costa MClara, Almeida R, Assunção A, da Costa AMaria Rosa, Nogueira C, Paiva APaula. N,N′-tetrasubstituted succinamides as new molecules for liquid–liquid extraction of Pt(IV) from chloride media. Separation and Purification Technology. 2016;158:409 - 416. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2015.12.035 |
2016 |
Ballester A, Castro L, Costa MClara, et al. Design of remediation pilot plants for the treatment of industrial metal-bearing effluents (BIOMETAL DEMO project): Lab tests. Hydrometallurgy. 2016. doi:10.1016/j.hydromet.2016.10.010 |
2016 |
Assunção A, Vieira B, Lourenço JP, Costa MClara. Recovery of gold(0) nanoparticles from aqueous solutions using effluents from a bioremediation process. RSC Adv. 2016. doi:10.1039/C6RA24503J |
2016 |
Martins M, Assunção A, Neto A, Silva G, Sghaier H, Costa MClara. Performance and Bacterial Community Shifts During Phosphogypsum Biotransformation. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2016;227(12). doi:10.1007/s11270-016-3129-z |
2016 |
da Costa JPinto, Girão AVioleta, Trindade T, Costa MClara, Duarte A, Rocha-Santos T. Biological synthesis of nanosized sulfide semiconductors: current status and future prospects. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016;100(19):8283 - 8302. doi:10.1007/s00253-016-7756-5 |
2016 |
Assunção A, Matos A, da Costa AMRosa, Candeias A, Costa MClara. A bridge between liquid–liquid extraction and the use of bacterial communities for palladium and platinum recovery as nanosized metal sulphides. Hydrometallurgy. 2016;163:40 - 48. doi:10.1016/j.hydromet.2016.03.012 |
2015 |
Jimeno MRomán, Ballester A, Roig MGarcía, Guibal E, Costa MClara. Biometal Demonstration Plant for the Biological Rehabilitation of Metal Bearing-Wastewaters (Biometal Demo). Advanced Materials Research. 2015;1130:535 - 538. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.113010.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1130.535 |
2015 |
da Costa JPinto, Girão AV, Monteiro OC, Trindade T, Costa MC. Biotechnologically obtained nanocomposites: A practical application for photodegradation of Safranin-T under UV-Vis and solar light. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. 2015;50(10):996 - 1010. doi:10.1080/10934529.2015.1038155 |
2015 |
Vitor G, Palma TC, Vieira B, Lourenço JP, Barros RJ, Costa MC. Start-up, adjustment and long-term performance of a two-stage bioremediation process, treating real acid mine drainage, coupled with biosynthesis of ZnS nanoparticles and ZnS/TiO2 nanocomposites. Minerals Engineering. 2015;75:85 - 93. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2014.12.003 |
2014 |
Nogueira CA, Paiva AP, Oliveira PC, Costa MC, da Costa AMRosa. Oxidative leaching process with cupric ion in hydrochloric acid media for recovery of Pd and Rh from spent catalytic converters. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2014;278:82 - 90. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2014.05.099 |
2014 |
Paiva APaula, Carvalho GIvo, Costa MClara, da Costa AMRosa, Nogueira C. The Solvent Extraction Performance of N,N’ -Dimethyl- N,N’ -Dibutylmalonamide Towards Platinum and Palladium in Chloride Media. Separation Science and Technology. 2014;49(7):966 - 973. doi:10.1080/01496395.2013.878721 |
2014 |
Paiva APaula, Carvalho GIvo, Costa MClara, da Costa AMRosa, Nogueira C. Recovery of Platinum and Palladium from Chloride Solutions by a Thiodiglycolamide Derivative. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. 2014;32(1):78 - 94. doi:10.1080/07366299.2013.810969 |
2013 |
Martins M, Assunção A, Martins H, Matos APedro, Costa MClara. Palladium recovery as nanoparticles by an anaerobic bacterial community. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. 2013:n/a - n/a. doi:10.1002/jctb.4064 |
2013 |
Costa MClara, Assunção A, da Costa AMRosa, Nogueira C, Paiva APaula. Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Platinum from Chloride Media by N,N ′-Dimethyl- N,N ′-Dicyclohexyltetradecylmalonamide. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. 2013;31(1):12 - 23. doi:10.1080/07366299.2012.700588 |
2013 |
da Costa JP, Girão AVioleta, Lourenço JP, Monteiro OC, Trindade T, Costa MClara. Green synthesis of covellite nanocrystals using biologically generated sulfide: potential for bioremediation systems. J Environ Manage. 2013;128:226-32. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.05.034 |
2012 |
Martins M, Taborda R, Silva G, Assunção A, Matos APedro, Costa MClara. Aluminum and sulphate removal by a highly Al-resistant dissimilatory sulphate-reducing bacteria community. Biodegradation. 2012;23(5):693-703. doi:10.1007/s10532-012-9545-x |
2011 |
Assunção A, Martins M, Silva G, Lucas H, Coelho MRosário, Costa MClara. Bromate removal by anaerobic bacterial community: mechanism and phylogenetic characterization. J Hazard Mater. 2011;197:237-43. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.09.076 |
2009 |
Martins M, Faleiro MLeonor, Barros RJorge, Veríssimo ARaquel, Costa MClara. Biological sulphate reduction using food industry wastes as carbon sources. Biodegradation. 2009;20(4):559-67. doi:10.1007/s10532-008-9245-8 |