Academic curriculum:
Graduation: Biochemistry – University of Algarve- 2006- Thesis: Molecular response of Ruditapes decussatus clam to Perkinsus olseni parasite infection and its relation with the iron biogeochemistry in inter-tidal sediments.”
Master: Molecular biology and microbiology- University of Algarve-2009- Thesis: “Clonning, expression and characterization of Ferritin genes identified in clam R. decussatus and its role in the infection of parasite Perkinsus olseni.”
PhD- fellowship funded by FCT ((ref. SFRH/BD/77056/2011) entitled “Identification of the molecular players involved in Hereditary Hemochromatosis-related osteoarthritis” -Biomedical Sciences PhD program, Biomedical Sciences Department-University of Algarve, CCMAR-Centre of Marine Sciences and IBMC- Institute of molecular and cellular biology.
Professional experience:
01/02/2012-31/01/2016- PhD-"Identification of the molecular players involved in Hereditary Hemochromatosis-related osteoarthritis"-BIOSKEL- Comparative, Adaptive and Functional Skeletal Biology-CCMAR-Centre of Marine Sciences-University of Algarve.
01/02/2010-31/01/2012-Fellowhip in project Lab-IT (Laboratório itinerante) –University of Algarve- Project devoted to the divulgation of molecular biology and biotechnology principles and basic techniques in Algarve public high-schools.
04/05/2009-12/11/2009- Science investigation fellowship in project entitled “Characterization of isoprenoids biosynthesis and determination of potential therapeutic targets”-BIOSKEL- Comparative, Adaptive and Functional Skeletal Biology-CCMAR-Centre of Marine Sciences-University of Algarve.
01/07/2008-31/03/2009- Professional internship with the objective of increase the knowhow in molecular biology and proteomic methods with emphasis on clam Ruditapes decussatus iron metabolism –BIOSKEL- Comparative, Adaptive and Functional Skeletal Biology-CCMAR-Centre of Marine Sciences-University of Algarve.
01/11/2007-31/01/2008-Science investigation fellowship in project entitled “CERATÓNIA” Development of method for in vitro cell culture mineralization and proliferation monitoring with microcircuits, CEOT - Centro de Electrónica, Optoelectrónica e Telecomunicações da UAlg.
01/06/2006-31/10/2007- Internship in project with the objective of identifying the clam Ruditapes decussatus molecular response to environmental factors, temperature, metal toxicity (Cd, Cu, Zn) and its correlation with susceptibility for infection with parasite Perkinsus olseni.- BIOSKEL- Comparative, Adaptive and Functional Skeletal Biology-CCMAR-Centre of Marine Sciences-University of Algarve.
02/04/2005-20/04/2006- Science investigation fellowship in project O-DOIS- “Oxygen dynamic coupled with organic carbon mineralization in inter-tidal sandy zones. -Biogeochemistry lab- CIMA- Center of marine and environmental investigation- University of Algarve.
Title: Hemocromatose e patologias das articulações, 30/10/2012.
Title: Hemochromatosis and articular defects, 28/02/2012.
Title: Hemochromatose and articular defects, Identification of the molecular players involved in Hereditary Hemochromatosis-related osteoarthritis, 12/03/2013.
·Title: Patologias multigénicas associadas ao metabolismo do ferro, 27/05/2013.
·Title: Patologia hereditárias associadas ao metabolismo do ferro, 28/05/2014.
·Title: Mouse as model for hemochromatosis associated bone defects, 17/10/2014.
·Title: O papel central da Biologia no desenvolvimento da Biomedicina, 30/10/2015.
·Title: Hereditary hemochromatosis: molecular basis and pathogenic phenotypes, 22/04/2016
Title: Isolation of primary chondrocytes cultures and possible biomedical applications, 25/10/2016