Parabéns Doutora Vânia Baptista
No passado dia 30 de outubro, a nossa PhD candidate Vânia Baptista concluiu a sua tese sobre “Influence of oceanography and larvae behavior on recruitment of temperate fishes: The importance of physics–biology links to manage fisheries at a local scale”, ganhando assim o título de doutora.
A tese foi atribuída pela Universidade do Algarve e teve como orientadores Alexandra Teodósio e Francisco Leitão do CCMAR e Eric Wolanski da Universidade James Cook. Os membros do júri foram os seguintes: Ana Faria (ISPA), Susana Garrido (IPMA), Pedro Ré (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa) e Karim Erzini (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade do Algarve).
Sobre a apresentação da tese de Vânia Baptista: This thesis aimed to analyze the factors responsible for recruitment variability of two economically relevant species in Portugal: white seabream and two-banded seabream. The temporal variability in sea surface temperature and the effects of environmental changes and fishing pressure on these resources were studied over specific regions of the Portuguese coast, along the last decades. Swimming capabilities of fish larvae and their behavioral responses to environmental cues, potentially relevant for the selection of nursery areas and recruitment, were determined using Ria Formosa coastal lagoon and white seabream.