Using zebrafish as a model in biomedicine and the study of human diseases. 2nd edition | - CCMAR -

Using zebrafish as a model in biomedicine and the study of human diseases. 2nd edition

Quinta, 12 Maio, 2016

This course was designed to provide basic knowledge on the use of the biological model zebrafish with main emphasis on its use in the context of the study of human diseases and biomedical sciences. Introduction to genetic manipulation and production of transgenic lines and "knock-out". It is intended to transfer skills for manipulation and use of the zebrafish in genetic manipulation techniques, applications of transgenics and mutants for study of phenotypes of interest, microinjection and studies of tissue regeneration. Its is designed for enthusiastic and motivated biologists, biomedical researchers and students who want to gain expertize in the use of zebrafish as a biological model for research in gene function, development and diseases.