Evolutionary history of the genus Trisopterus. | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TítuloEvolutionary history of the genus Trisopterus.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsGonzález, EG, Cunha, RL, Sevilla, RG, Ghanavi, HR, Krey, G, Bautista, JM
Year of Publication2012
JournalMol Phylogenet Evol
Date Published2012 Mar
Palavras-chaveAcute-Phase Proteins, Animals, Biological Evolution, Cytochromes b, Demography, DNA, Mitochondrial, Gadiformes, Genetic Variation, Phylogeny, Phylogeography

The group of small poor cods and pouts from the genus Trisopterus, belonging to the Gadidae family, comprises four described benthopelagic species that occur across the North-eastern Atlantic, from the Baltic Sea to the coast of Morocco, and the Mediterranean. Here, we combined molecular data from mitochondrial (cytochrome b) and nuclear (rhodopsin) genes to confirm the taxonomic status of the described species and to disentangle the evolutionary history of the genus. Our analyses supported the monophyly of the genus Trisopterus and confirmed the recently described species Trisopterus capelanus. A relaxed molecular clock analysis estimated an Oligocene origin for the group (~30 million years ago; mya) indicating this genus as one of the most ancestral within the Gadidae family. The closure and re-opening of the Strait of Gibraltar after the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) probably triggered the speciation process that resulted in the recently described T. capelanus.



Alternate JournalMol. Phylogenet. Evol.
PubMed ID22178361
CCMAR Authors