CCMAR Seminars: Deep learning for image classification | - CCMAR -

CCMAR Seminars: Deep learning for image classification

Quinta, 28 Junho, 2018
Anf. D (CP)

CCMAR Seminars

28.06.2018 | Anf. D (CP) - Gambelas

Deep learning for image classification

Zongsheng Zheng

Shanghai Ocean University



The report will introduce how to classify meteorological remote sensing images by deep neural network, and some improvements in the classification model. You will also get some progress in the classification of fish images using transfer learning.

Short CV

Dr.Zheng Zongsheng received the Ph.D. degree in the East Normal University(ECNU), China, in 2008. Since 2011, he has been an associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science at Shanghai Ocean Univerity. His current research interests include Ocean remote sensing and geographic information system, machine vision and deep learning. He has chairs and participates in more than 10 chinese national projects.





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