ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2021 - Marine biological research at the frontier | - CCMAR -

ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2021 - Marine biological research at the frontier

Segunda, 18 Janeiro, 2021
Online | Zoom platform

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to participate in the “ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2021 - Marine biological research at the frontier” which will take place online between 18th and 29th January 2021. The conference is organized by the ASSEMBLE Plus project partnered by a network of marine stations and institutes led by EMBRC ERIC - the European Marine Biological Resource Centre.

The conference will include keynote speakers, invited lectures by ASSEMBLE Plus users,  round tables with policy makers and industry, and ASSEMBLE Plus service demonstrations. 

We strongly encourage you to follow the event and please feel free to spread the word among your circles. This is an opportunity for researchers, academia, industry and policy makers, to be connected and share experiences, knowledge and a chance to establish partnerships.


ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2021 website   |   Register now!

The participation is free upon registration and participants have the opportunity to present their own products or services in the marketplace platform.


Keynote Speakers

Uma imagem com pessoa,<br />
homem, fato, vestuário</p>
<p>Descrição gerada automaticamente

Rudolf Amann

Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Germany

Uma imagem com pessoa,<br />
mulher, sorriso</p>
<p>Descrição gerada automaticamente

Ester Serrão

Centre for Marine Sciences – CCMAR, Portugal

Uma imagem com texto,<br />
homem, pessoa, interior</p>
<p>Descrição gerada automaticamente

Colin Brownlee

Marine Biological Association, UK

Uma imagem com pessoa,<br />
óculos, parede, interior</p>
<p>Descrição gerada automaticamente

Maria Ina Arnone

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy

Uma imagem com pessoa,<br />
exterior, homem, relva</p>
<p>Descrição gerada automaticamente

Vincent Laudet

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan




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