Reconstructing the early evolution of Fungi using a six-gene phylogeny | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TítuloReconstructing the early evolution of Fungi using a six-gene phylogeny
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsJames, TY, Kauff, F, Schoch, CL, P. Matheny, B, Hofstetter, V, Cox, CJ, Celio, G, Gueidan, C, Fraker, E, Miadlikowska, J, H. Lumbsch, T, Rauhut, A, Reeb, V, A. Arnold, E, Amtoft, A, Stajich, JE, Hosaka, K, Sung, G-H, Johnson, D, O’Rourke, B, Crockett, M, Binder, M, Curtis, JM, Slot, JC, Wang, Z, Wilson, AW, Schüßler, A, Longcore, JE, O’Donnell, K, Mozley-Standridge, S, Porter, D, Letcher, PM, Powell, MJ, Taylor, JW, White, MM, Griffith, GW, Davies, DR, Humber, RA, Morton, JB, Sugiyama, J, Rossman, AY, Rogers, JD, Pfister, DH, Hewitt, D, Hansen, K, Hambleton, S, Shoemaker, RA, Kohlmeyer, J, Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, B, Spotts, RA, Serdani, M, Crous, PW, Hughes, KW, Matsuura, K, Langer, E, Langer, G, Untereiner, WA, Lücking, R, Büdel, B, Geiser, DM, Aptroot, A, Diederich, P, Schmitt, I, Schultz, M, Yahr, R, Hibbett, DS, Lutzoni, F, McLaughlin, DJ, Spatafora, JW, Vilgalys, R
Year of Publication2006
Date PublishedJul-10-2007
Pagination818 - 822
Short TitleNature
CCMAR Authors