Rhodoliths in Brazil: Current knowledge and potential impacts of climate change | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TítuloRhodoliths in Brazil: Current knowledge and potential impacts of climate change
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsHorta, PAntunes, Riul, P, Filho, GMAmado, Gurgel, CFrederico, Berchez, F, Nunes, JMarcos de, Scherner, F, Pereira, S, Lotufo, T, Peres, L, Sissini, M, Bastos, Ede Oliveir, Rosa, J, Munoz, P, Martins, C, Gouvêa, L, Carvalho, V, Bergstrom, E, Schubert, N, Bahia, RG, Rodrigues, AClaudia, Rörig, L, Barufi, JBonomi, Figueiredo, M
Year of Publication2016
JournalBrazilian Journal of Oceanography
Date PublishedJan-01-2016
Pagination117 - 136
Short TitleBraz. j. oceanogr.
CCMAR Authors