Fishers’ perceptions of the European Union discards ban: perspective from south European fisheries | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TítuloFishers’ perceptions of the European Union discards ban: perspective from south European fisheries
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsMaynou, F, Gil, Mdel Mar, Vitale, S, Giusto, GBattista, Foutsi, A, Rangel, M, Rainha, R, Erzini, K, Gonçalves, JMS, Bentes, L, Viva, C, Sartor, P, De Carlo, F, Rossetti, I, Christou, M, Stergiou, K, Maravelias, CD, Damalas, D
Year of Publication2018
JournalMarine Policy
Date PublishedJan-02-2018
Pagination147 - 153
Short TitleMarine Policy
CCMAR Authors