BREEDFLAT project aims to improve flatfish breeder’s performance by enhancing immune system capacity, largely affected during the reproductive season, and gamete quality, by providing key-role nutrients for successful reproduction. Innovative approaches on the study of dietary effects will be attained to promote sustainable competitive production of eggs and larvae. The consortium includes two Portuguese research teams, CCMAR (promoter) and CIIMAR, and the largest turbot producer, ACUINOVA. The Donor parties, Nord University, Akvaplan-niva, experienced in flatfish reproduction, and Sognaqua farm, will contribute with their experience in Atlantic halibut.
The project focus on 3 important flatfish species for aquaculture diversification in Europe, Senegalese sole, turbot and Atlantic halibut, along 6 WPs. Specific breeders’ feed will be developed, considering each species’ nutritional requirements and efforts dedicated to gametogenesis. A toolset of parameters will be developed, allowing characterization of reproductive and immune system performance. These tools will be used to evaluate the efficiency of natural feed products supplementation on the enhancement of reproduction and fish resistance. The final target is to achieve the improvement of offspring through better nutrition to breeders. More robust juveniles will contribute to the next generation of breeders developed in captivity. These bases will provide a more sustainable Aquaculture diversification with high price commercial species, creating a benefit for fish farms and feed suppliers in Europe, reducing economic and social disparities between donor and beneficiary states.
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Programme Operator:



Project funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants. Through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA), Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are partners in the internal market with the Member States of the European Union. As a way of promoting a continuous and balanced strengthening of economic and trade relations, the parties to the EEA Agreement established a multi-annual Financial Mechanism, known as EEA Grants. EEA Grants aim to reduce social and economic disparities in Europe and strengthen bilateral relations between these three countries and beneficiary countries. For the period 2014-2021, a total contribution of €2.8 billion has been agreed to 15 beneficiary countries. Portugal will benefit from an amount of 102.7 million euros. Learn more at