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Baeyaert J, Abecasis D, Afonso P, Graça G, Erzini K, Fontes J. ‘Solo datasets’: unexpected behavioural patterns uncovered by acoustic monitoring of single individuals. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 2018:1 - 19.
Vitorino M, Cunha N, Conceição N, M. Cancela L. Expression pattern of cdkl5 during zebrafish early development: implications for use as model for atypical Rett syndrome. Molecular Biology Reports. 2018.
Soares F, Roque A, Gavaia P. Review of the principal diseases affecting cultured meagre ( Argyrosomus regius). Aquaculture Research. 2018.
Chefaoui RM, Hosseinzadeh MSadat, Mashayekhi M, Safaei-Mahroo B, Kazemi SMahdi. Identifying suitable habitats and current conservation status of a rare and elusive reptile in Iran. Amphibia-Reptilia. 2018.
Assis J, Serrão EÁlvares, Coelho NCastilho, Tempera F, Valero M, Alberto F. Past climate changes and strong oceanographic barriers structured low‐latitude genetic relics for the golden kelp Laminaria ochroleuca. Journal of Biogeography. 2018;45(10):2326 - 2336.
Anjos M, Pereira F, Vasconcelos P, et al. Bycatch and discard survival rate in a small-scale bivalve dredge fishery along the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Scientia Marina. 2018;82(S1):75.
Leitão F, Baptista V, Erzini K. Reconstructing discards profiles of unreported catches. Scientia Marina. 2018;82(S1):39.
BENZONI FRANCESCA, ARRIGONI ROBERTO, BERUMEN MICHAELL ., TAVIANI MARCO, Bongaerts P, Frade PR. Morphological and genetic divergence between Mediterranean and Caribbean populations of Madracis pharensis (Heller 1868) (Scleractinia, Pocilloporidae): too much for one species?. Zootaxa. 2018;4471(3):473.
Abalde S, Tenorio MJ, Afonso CML, Zardoya R. Conotoxin Diversity in Chelyconus ermineus (Born, 1778) and the Convergent Origin of Piscivory in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Cones. Holford M, ed. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2018;10(10):2643 - 2662.
Santos CC, Coelho R. Migrations and habitat use of the smooth hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena) in the Atlantic Ocean. Tserpes G, ed. PLOS ONE. 2018;13(6):e0198664.
Varela-Álvarez E, Loureiro J, Paulino C, Serrão EA. Polyploid lineages in the genus Porphyra. Scientific Reports. 2018;8(1).
Silva APaula, Viegas C, Simes D, et al. GLA-RICH PROTEIN AS A NOVEL MARKER FOR CALCIFICATIONS IN DIABETIC PATIENTS WITH CKD. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2018;33(suppl_1):i493 - i493.
Ferreira-Rodríguez N, Fernández I, M. Cancela L, Pardo I. Multibiomarker response shows how native and non-native freshwater bivalves differentially cope with heat-wave events. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2018.
Cunha L, da Costa AMRosa, Lourenço JP, Buttini F, Grenha A. Spray-dried fucoidan microparticles for pulmonary delivery of antitubercular drugs. Journal of Microencapsulation. 2018;35(4):392 - 405.
Leitão F, Relvas P, Cánovas F, Baptista V, Teodósio A. Northerly wind trends along the Portuguese marine coast since 1950. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2018.