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Journal Article


Navarro-Guillén C, Cerqueira M, Conceição LEC, Yúfera M, Engrola S. Daily nutrient utilization and swimming activity patterns in Senegalese sole ( Solea senegalensis ) post-larvae. Aquaculture. 2018;492:164 - 169.
van Oppen MJH, Bongaerts P, Frade P, et al. Adaptation to reef habitats through selection on the coral animal and its associated microbiome. Molecular Ecology. 2018;27(14):2956 - 2971.
Alexandre A, Silva J, Santos R. Light Is More Important Than Nutrient Ratios of Fertilization for Cymodocea nodosa Seedling Development. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018;9.
Alves RN, Sundell KS, Anjos L, et al. Structural and functional maturation of skin during metamorphosis in the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). Cell and Tissue Research. 2018;372(3):469 - 492.
Belattmania Z, Chaouti A, Reani A, et al. The introduction of Sargassum muticum modifies epifaunal patterns in a Moroccan seagrass meadow. Marine Ecology. 2018;39(3):e12507.
Coston-Guarini J, Guarini J-M, Boehm FRicarda, et al. A new probabilistic approach to estimating marine gastropod densities from baited traps. Marine Ecology. 2018;39(3):e12509.
Cunha L, Rodrigues S, da Costa ARosa, Faleiro M, Buttini F, Grenha A. Inhalable Fucoidan Microparticles Combining Two Antitubercular Drugs with Potential Application in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Therapy. Polymers. 2018;10(6):636.
Font T, Gil J, Lloret J. The commercialization and use of exotic baits in recreational fisheries in the north-western Mediterranean: Environmental and management implications. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2018;28(3):651 - 661.
Oliveira CCV, Figueiredo F, Soares F, Pinto W, Dinis MTeresa. Meagre’s melatonin profiles under captivity: circadian rhythmicity and light sensitiveness. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2018;44(3):885 - 893.
Palma TLuz, Donaldben MNeba, Costa MClara, Carlier JDias. Putative Role of Flavobacterium, Dokdonella and Methylophilus Strains in Paracetamol Biodegradation. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2018;229(6).
Vieira RP, Coelho R, Denda A, Martin B, Gonçalves JMS, Christiansen B. Deep-sea fishes from Senghor Seamount and the adjacent abyssal plain (Eastern Central Atlantic). Marine Biodiversity. 2018;48(2):963 - 975.
Andrews JT, Voelker AHL. “Heinrich events” (& sediments): A history of terminology and recommendations for future usage. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2018;187:31 - 40.
Aureliano M, Simão S. Peroxynitrite versus decavanadate protein oxidative modifications: the case of myosin. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2018;120:S69.
Ho P-W, Klein M, Futschik M, Nevoigt E. Glycerol positive promoters for tailored metabolic engineering of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Yeast Research. 2018;18(3).
Piló D, Barbosa AB, Teodósio MA, et al. Are submarine groundwater discharges affecting the structure and physiological status of rocky intertidal communities?. Marine Environmental Research. 2018;136:158 - 173.
Ripol A, Cardoso C, Afonso C, et al. Composition, Anti-inflammatory Activity, and Bioaccessibility of Green Seaweeds from Fish Pond Aquaculture. Natural Product Communications. 2018;13(5):1934578X1801300.
Sordo L, Santos R, Barrote I, Silva J. High CO 2 decreases the long-term resilience of the free-living coralline algae Phymatolithon lusitanicum. Ecology and Evolution. 2018;8(10):4781 - 4792.
Vasconcelos P, Moura P, Pereira F, Pereira AM, Gaspar MB. Morphometric relationships and relative growth of 20 uncommon bivalve species from the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2018;98(3):463 - 474.