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Journal Article


Buonomo R, Assis J, Fernandes F, Engelen AH, Airoldi L, Serrão EA. Habitat continuity and stepping-stone oceanographic distances explain population genetic connectivity of the brown alga Cystoseira amentacea. Molecular Ecology. 2016.
Creed JC, Engelen AH, D´Oliveira EC, Bandeira S, Serrão EA. First record of seagrass in Cape Verde, eastern Atlantic. Marine Biodiversity Records. 2016;9(1).
Ferreira-Rodríguez N, Fernández I, Varandas S, Cortes R, M. Cancela L, Pardo I. The role of calcium concentration in the invasive capacity of Corbicula fluminea in crystalline basins. Science of The Total Environment. 2016.
Frija LMT, Alegria ECBA, Sutradhar M, et al. Copper(II) and cobalt(II) tetrazole-saccharinate complexes as effective catalysts for oxidation of secondary alcohols. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 2016;425:283 - 290.
Kramp K, Cizek O, Madeira PM, et al. Genetic implications of phylogeographical patterns in the conservation of the boreal wetland butterfly Colias palaeno (Pieridae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2016;119(4):1068 - 1081.
Lopes A, Rodrigues MJoão, Pereira C, et al. Natural products from extreme marine environments: Searching for potential industrial uses within extremophile plants. Industrial Crops and Products. 2016;94:299 - 307.
Martins M, Assunção A, Neto A, Silva G, Sghaier H, Costa MClara. Performance and Bacterial Community Shifts During Phosphogypsum Biotransformation. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2016;227(12).
Muha TPetra, Teodósio MA, Hamadou RBen-. Impact assessment of non-indigenous jellyfish species on the estuarine community dynamic: A model of medusa phase. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2016.
Teodósio MA, Paris CB, Wolanski E, Morais P. Biophysical processes leading to the ingress of temperate fish larvae into estuarine nursery areas: A review. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2016;183:187 - 202.
Mil-Homens M, Vale C, Naughton F, et al. Footprint of roman and modern mining activities in a sediment core from the southwestern Iberian Atlantic shelf. Science of The Total Environment. 2016;571:1211 - 1221.
Sandoval-Gil J, Alexandre A, Santos R, Camacho-Ibar VF. Nitrogen Uptake and Internal Recycling in Zostera marina Exposed to Oyster Farming: Eelgrass Potential as a Natural Biofilter. Estuaries and Coasts. 2016;39(6):1694 - 1708.
Van Beveren E, Klein M, Serrão EA, Gonçalves EJ, Borges R. Early life history of larvae and early juvenile Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus off the Portuguese west coast. Fisheries Research. 2016;183:111 - 118.
Alexandre A, Silva J, Santos R. Nitrogen uptake in light versus darkness of the seagrass Zostera noltei : integration with carbon metabolism. Marine Ecology. 2016;37(5):1050 - 1056.
Castanheira MFilipa, Páramo SMartínez, Figueiredo F, et al. Are coping styles consistent in the teleost fish Sparus aurata through sexual maturation and sex reversal?. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2016;42(5):1441 - 1452.
da Costa JPinto, Girão AVioleta, Trindade T, Costa MClara, Duarte A, Rocha-Santos T. Biological synthesis of nanosized sulfide semiconductors: current status and future prospects. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016;100(19):8283 - 8302.
Louro B, Marques JPedro, Power DM, Canario AVM. Having a BLAST: Searchable transcriptome resources for the gilthead sea bream and the European sea bass. Marine Genomics. 2016.
Paulino C, Neiva J, Coelho NC, et al. Characterization of 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers in the sugar kelp Saccharina latissima. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2016;28(5):3071 - 3074.
Pinto W, Engrola S, Santos A, Bandarra NM, Dias J, Conceição LEC. Can Senegalese sole post-larvae effectively grow on low dietary DHA and lipid levels during weaning?. Aquaculture. 2016;463:234 - 240.