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Journal Article


Mota CF, Engelen AH, Serrão EA, Pearson GA. Some don't like it hot: microhabitat-dependent thermal and water stresses in a trailing edge population. Watling J, ed. Functional Ecology. 2015;29(5):640 - 649.
Mineur F, Arenas F, Assis J, et al. European seaweeds under pressure: Consequences for communities and ecosystem functioning. Journal of Sea Research. 2015;98:91 - 108.
Felisberto P, Jesus SM, Zabel F, et al. Acoustic monitoring of O2 production of a seagrass meadow. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2015;464:75 - 87.
Varela-Álvarez E, Balau AC, Marba N, Afonso-Carrillo J, Duarte CM, Serrão EA. Genetic diversity and biogeographical patterns of Caulerpa prolifera across the Mediterranean and Mediterranean/Atlantic transition zone. Marine Biology. 2015;162(3):557 - 569.
Pereira TR, Engelen AH, Pearson GA, Valero M, Serrão EA. Response of kelps from different latitudes to consecutive heat shock. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2015;463:57 - 62.
Zardi GI, Nicastro KR, Serrão EA, Jacinto R, Monteiro CA, Pearson GA. Closer to the rear edge: ecology and genetic diversity down the core-edge gradient of a marine macroalga. Ecosphere. 2015;6(2):art23.
Lopes C, Kucera M, Mix AC. Climate change decouples oceanic primary and export productivity and organic carbon burial. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2015;112(2):332 - 335.
Baduy F, Guerreiro PM, Vargas M, Canario AVM, Saraiva JL. Hierarchy formation and hormonal profiles in Australoherus facetus, an invasive freshwater fish in Portugal. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2015;2.
Beirão J, Soares F, Pousão-Ferreira P, et al. The effect of enriched diets on Solea senegalensis sperm quality. Aquaculture. 2015;435:187 - 194.
Candeias R, Casado-Amezúa P, Pearson GA, Serrão EA, Teixeira S. Polymorphic microsatellite markers in the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. BMC Research Notes. 2015;8(1):73.
Genç İYüksel, Esteves E, Aníbal J, Diller A. Effects of different thawing methods on the quality of meagre fillets. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015;62(2):153 - 159.
Lauritano C, Ruocco M, Dattolo E, et al. Response of key stress-related genes of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in the vicinity of submarine volcanic vents. Biogeosciences. 2015;12(13):4185 - 4194.
Lauritano C, Ruocco M, Dattolo E, et al. Response of key stress-related genes of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in the vicinity of submarine volcanic vents. Biogeosciences Discussions. 2015;12(6):4947 - 4971.
Schubert N, Colombo-Pallota MFlorencia, Enríquez S. Leaf and canopy scale characterization of the photoprotective response to high-light stress of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum. Limnology and Oceanography. 2015;60(1):286 - 302.
Civán P, Craig H, Cox CJ, Brown TA. Three geographically separate domestications of Asian rice. Nature Plants. 2015;1(11):15164.
Assis J, Zupan M, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Serrão EA. Oceanographic Conditions Limit the Spread of a Marine Invader along Southern African Shores. Eklöv P, ed. PLOS ONE. 2015;10(6):e0128124.