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Nogueira CA, Paiva AP, Oliveira PC, Costa MC, da Costa AMRosa. Oxidative leaching process with cupric ion in hydrochloric acid media for recovery of Pd and Rh from spent catalytic converters. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2014;278:82 - 90.
Pinto P, Estêvão M, Power D. Effects of Estrogens and Estrogenic Disrupting Compounds on Fish Mineralized Tissues. Marine Drugs. 2014;12(8):4474 - 4494.
Rosa JT, M. Cancela L, Laizé V. Ets1 regulates the transcription of a cartilage-specific S100 protein in gilthead seabream. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2014;30(4):707-712.
Silva IAL, Conceição N, Michou L, M. Cancela L. Can zebrafish be a valid model to study Paget's disease of bone?. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2014;30(4):678 - 688.
Simões B, Conceição N, Kelsh RN, M. Cancela L. Identification of cis -regulatory elements in the upstream regions of zebrafish runx3 through in silico analysis: implications for function. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2014;30(4):661 - 670.
Aragão C, Colen R, Ferreira S, Pinto W, Conceição LEC, Dias J. Microencapsulation of taurine in Senegalese sole diets improves its metabolic availability. Aquaculture. 2014;431:53 - 58.
Li B, Lopes JS, Foster PG, Embley TM, Cox CJ. Compositional Biases among Synonymous Substitutions Cause Conflict between Gene and Protein Trees for Plastid Origins. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2014;31(7):1697 - 1709.
Perestrelo ARubina, Grenha A, da Costa AMRosa, Belo JAntónio. Locust bean gum as an alternative polymeric coating for embryonic stem cell culture. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 2014;40:336 - 344.
Hadley D, Wu Z-liang, Kao C, et al. The impact of the metabotropic glutamate receptor and other gene family interaction networks on autism. Nature Communications. 2014;5.
Abecasis D, Afonso P, Erzini K. Can small MPAs protect local populations of a coastal flatfish, Solea senegalensis ?. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 2014;21(3):175 - 185.
Neiva J, Assis J, Fernandes F, Pearson GA, Serrão EA. Species distribution models and mitochondrial DNA phylogeography suggest an extensive biogeographical shift in the high-intertidal seaweed Pelvetia canaliculata. Maggs C, ed. Journal of Biogeography. 2014;41(6):1137 - 1148.
Pereira R, Teodósio MA, Garrido S. An experimental study of Aurelia aurita feeding behaviour: Inference of the potential predation impact on a temperate estuarine nursery area. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2014;146:102 - 110.
Pinto D, Delaby E, Merico D, et al. Convergence of Genes and Cellular Pathways Dysregulated in Autism Spectrum Disorders. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 2014;94(5):677 - 694.
Civa  P, Foster PG, Embley MT, Seneca A, Cox CJ. Analyses of Charophyte Chloroplast Genomes Help Characterize the Ancestral Chloroplast Genome of Land Plants. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2014;6(4):897 - 911.
Correia M, Palma J, Koldewey H, Andrade JP. The use of a non-invasive tool for capture-recapture studies on a seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus population. Journal of Fish Biology. 2014;84(4):872 - 884.
Moyano M, Garrido S, Teodósio MA, Peck MA. Standard metabolism and growth dynamics of laboratory-reared larvae of Sardina pilchardus. Journal of Fish Biology. 2014;84(4):1247 - 1255.
Cox CJ, Li B, Foster PG, Embley TM, Civan P. Conflicting Phylogenies for Early Land Plants are Caused by Composition Biases among Synonymous Substitutions. Systematic Biology. 2014;63(2):272 - 279.
Fernández I, Tiago DM, Laizé V, M. Cancela L, Gisbert E. Retinoic acid differentially affects in vitro proliferation, differentiation and mineralization of two fish bone-derived cell lines: Different gene expression of nuclear receptors and ECM proteins. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2014;140:34-43.