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Stroynowski Z, Minzoni R, Majewska R. 4th Polar Marine Diatom Taxonomy and Ecology Workshop, Cardiff University, UK, 4–9 August 2013. Diatom ResearchDiatom Research. 2014;29(2):223 - 224.
Keller-Costa T, Hubbard PC, Paetz C, et al. Identity of a tilapia pheromone released by dominant males that primes females for reproduction. Curr Biol. 2014;24(18):2130-5.
Martins RST, Pinto PIS, Guerreiro PM, Zanuy S, Carrillo M, Canario AVM. Novel galanin receptors in teleost fish: identification, expression and regulation by sex steroids. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2014;205:109-20.
Faria AM, Borges R, Gonçalves EJ. Critical swimming speeds of wild-caught sand-smelt Atherina presbyter larvae. J Fish Biol. 2014;85(3):953-9.
Silva G, Lima FP, Martel P, Castilho R. Thermal adaptation and clinal mitochondrial DNA variation of European anchovy. Proc Biol Sci. 2014;281(1792).
Laenen B, Shaw B, Schneider H, et al. Extant diversity of bryophytes emerged from successive post-Mesozoic diversification bursts. Nat Commun. 2014;5:5134.
Almeida O, Canario AVM, Oliveira RF. Castration affects reproductive but not aggressive behavior in a cichlid fish. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2014;207:34-40.
Hubbard PC, Mota VC, Keller-Costa T, da Silva JPaulo, Canario AVM. Chemical communication in tilapia: a comparison of Oreochromis mossambicus with O. niloticus. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2014;207:13-20.
Alsufyani T, Engelen AH, Diekmann OE, Kuegler S, Wichard T. Prevalence and mechanism of polyunsaturated aldehydes production in the green tide forming macroalgal genus Ulva (Ulvales, Chlorophyta). Chem Phys Lipids. 2014;183:100-9.
Silva PIM, Martins CIM, Höglund E, Gjøen HMagnus, verli ØØ. Feeding motivation as a personality trait in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): role of serotonergic neurotransmission. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2014;40(5):1547-57.
M. Cancela L, Laizé V, Conceição N. Matrix Gla protein and osteocalcin: from gene duplication to neofunctionalization. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2014;561:56-63.
Cunha RL, Lima FP, Tenorio MJ, Ramos AA, Castilho R, Williams ST. Evolution at a different pace: distinctive phylogenetic patterns of cone snails from two ancient oceanic archipelagos. Syst Biol. 2014;63(6):971-87.
Josef N, Mann O, Sykes AV, et al. Depth perception: cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) respond to visual texture density gradients. Anim Cogn. 2014;17(6):1393-400.
Gregório SF, Carvalho ESM, Campinho MA, Power DM, Canario AVM, Fuentes J. Endocrine regulation of carbonate precipitate formation in marine fish intestine by stanniocalcin and PTHrP. J Exp Biol. 2014;217(Pt 9):1555-62.