Not out of the Mediterranean: Atlantic populations of the gorgonian Paramuricea clavata are a separate sister species under further lineage diversificationAbstract | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TítuloNot out of the Mediterranean: Atlantic populations of the gorgonian Paramuricea clavata are a separate sister species under further lineage diversificationAbstract
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsCoelho, MAG, Pearson, GA, Boavida, JRH, Paulo, D, Aurelle, D, Arnaud‐Haond, S, Gómez‐Gras, D, Bensoussan, N, López‐Sendino, P, Cerrano, C, Kipson, S, Bakran‐Petricioli, T, Ferretti, E, Linares, C, Garrabou, J, Serrão, EA, Ledoux, J‐B
Year of Publication2023
JournalEcology and Evolution
Date PublishedJan-01-2023
Palavras-chaveAtlantic-Mediterranean transition; cryptic diversity; incomplete lineage sorting; Octocorallia; phylotranscriptomics; species delimitation

The accurate delimitation of species boundaries in nonbilaterian marine taxa is no- toriously difficult, with consequences for many studies in ecology and evolution. Anthozoans are a diverse group of key structural organisms worldwide, but the lack of reliable morphological characters and informative genetic markers hampers our ability to understand species diversification. We investigated population differentia- tion and species limits in Atlantic (Iberian Peninsula) and Mediterranean lineages of the octocoral genus Paramuricea previously identified as P. clavata. We used a diverse set of molecular markers (microsatellites, RNA-seq derived single-copy orthologues [SCO] and mt-mutS [mitochondrial barcode]) at 49 locations. Clear segregation of Atlantic and Mediterranean lineages was found with all markers. Species-tree estima- tions based on SCO strongly supported these two clades as distinct, recently diverged sister species with incomplete lineage sorting, P. cf. grayi and P. clavata, respectively. Furthermore, a second putative (or ongoing) speciation event was detected in the Atlantic between two P. cf. grayi color morphotypes (yellow and purple) using SCO and supported by microsatellites. While segregating P. cf. grayi lineages showed con- siderable geographic structure, dominating circalittoral communities in southern (yellow) and western (purple) Portugal, their occurrence in sympatry at some locali- ties suggests a degree of reproductive isolation. Overall, our results show that previ- ous molecular and morphological studies have underestimated species diversity in Paramuricea occurring in the Iberian Peninsula, which has important implications for conservation planning. Finally, our findings validate the usefulness of phylotranscrip- tomics for resolving evolutionary relationships in octocorals.

Short TitleEcology and Evolution
CCMAR Authors