Progress, challenges and perspectives on fish gamete cryopreservation: A mini-review. | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TítuloProgress, challenges and perspectives on fish gamete cryopreservation: A mini-review.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsAsturiano, JF, Cabrita, E, Horváth, Á
Year of Publication2017
JournalGen Comp Endocrinol
Start Page69
Date Published2016 Jun 15
Type of Articlejournal article

Protocols for the cryopreservation of fish gametes have been developed for many different fish species, in special, freshwater salmonids and cyprinids. Methods for sperm freezing have progressed during the last decades due to the increasing number of potential applications: aquaculture (genetic improvement programs, broodstock management, helping with species having reproductive problems), biotechnology studies using model fish species (preservation of transgenic or mutant lines), cryobanking of genetic resources from endangered species, etc. This mini-review tries to give an overview of the present situation of this area of research, identifying the main challenges and perspectives, redirecting the reader to more in-depth reviews and papers.


Alternate JournalGen. Comp. Endocrinol.
PubMed ID27318279
CCMAR Authors