Seagrass Connectivity on the West Coast of Africa Supports the Hypothesis of Grazer-Mediated Seed Dispersal | - CCMAR -

Journal Article

TítuloSeagrass Connectivity on the West Coast of Africa Supports the Hypothesis of Grazer-Mediated Seed Dispersal
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsTavares, AI, Assis, J, Patrício, AR, Ferreira, R, Cheikh, MAhmed Sidi, Bandeira, S, Regalla, A, Santos, I, Potouroglou, M, Nicolau, S, Teodósio, MAlexandra, Almada, C, Santos, R, Pearson, GA, Serrão, EA
Year of Publication2022
JournalFrontiers in Marine Science
Date PublishedJun-06-2022
Short TitleFront. Mar. Sci.
CCMAR Authors