Directorate General for Higher Education awards two students for their master's theses | - CCMAR -

Directorate General for Higher Education awards two students for their master's theses


Leonor Ferrão and Diogo Dias, master's students who carried out their Master thesis in the research group AQUAGROUP of CCMAR, won the "Bolsa de estudo por mérito do ano letivo 2019/2020", awarded by the Directorate-General for Higher Education. Currently, both students are developing their PhD, through a PhD fellowship that they also won.

The master thesis presented by Leonor Ferrão, focused on the area of reproduction of two species of aquaculture fish, more specifically on the "Role of melatonin in sperm from two aquaculture fish species with reproductive problems: Solea senegalensis and Anguilla anguilla". The thesis was supervised by Elsa Cabrita and Catarina Oliveira, CCMAR researchers.

In turn, Diogo Dias' thesis was focused on the nutrition field and was entitled " How can natural compounds supplemented in eggs improve digestive efficiency in fish larvae? In ovo supplementation of spermine as promoter of early digestive system maturation”. The thesis was supervised by our researchers Sofia Engrola and Carmen Navarro.

Both theses obtained good results and presented contributions to improve the production of these species for the future. Both Diogo and Leonor were also awarded with a PhD fellowship and are continuing with these topics in their PhD theses. Congratulations and success to our future researchers!