Name: Emília Salgueiro
Place and date of birth: Valpaços, 06‐05‐1972
Nationality: Portuguese
Affiliation: Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR) and Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera - Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA)
1. Academic degrees, fields of study, awarding institutions, dates in reverse chronological order
PhD in “Natural Sciences”, Department of Geosciences, Bremen University, Germany (2006); MSc in “Engineering Geology”, Sciences and Technological Faculty, New University of Lisbon, Portugal (2000); Graduation in “Applied and Environmental Geology” Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal (1996).
2. Present positions
Postdoctoral fellow of FCT at IPMA and CCMAR, under suprevision of Prof Dr Fátima Abrantes. Project title: Understanding the hydrography and productivity variability during the beginning of Mid-Pleistocene Transition on the SW Portuguese Margin.
3. Previous professional activities
Jun 2015 /Sept 2015: Visiting scientist fellowship (BCC) of CCMAR - Centre of Marine Sciences and Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), under supervision of Dra Fátima Abrantes.
Fev 2015 /May 2015: Postdoctoral fellow at University of Évora and Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), under supervision of Dr Carlos Ribeiro inside of the ProMira project.
Oct 2013 / Jan 2015: Postdoctoral fellow at Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), under supervision of Dr Antje Voelker inside of the MOWCADYN project.
Jun 2013 /Sept 2013: Collaborator at Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) and CIIMAR. Principal investigator of the FCT project (CALIBERIA), where CIIMAR is the proponent Institution and IPMA is participante Institution and where the project is developing.
Jun 2009/ May 2013: Postdoctoral fellow of FCT at Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (former Unidade de Geologia Marinha –LNEG) and CIIMAR, under suprevision of Prof Dr Fátima Abrantes. Project title: Calibrating and applying trace element proxies from planktonic foraminifera off the Portuguese margin (continuation).
Jan 2007/ May 2009: Postdoctoral fellow of FCT at University of Chicago (under supervision of Dr Pamela Martin) and LNEG -Unidade de Geologia Marinha (under supervision of Prof Dr Fátima Abrantes). During this period I was working at University of Chicago, including short research stays at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory with Dr Peter DeMenocal, and University of California Santa Barbara with Prof Dr David Lea. Project title: Calibrating and applying trace element proxies from planktonic foraminifera off the Portuguese margin.
2000/2006: PhD fellow from INETI – DGM, FCT and University of Bremen (under suprevision of Prof Dr Fátima Abrantes and Gerold Wefer)
1997/2000: Research at Geology and Mining Institute-Marine Geology Department (IGM-DGM).
4. Major research interests
(1) Multi-proxies calibration using water, plankton net, sediment trap, and surface samples;
(2) Mid-Pleistocene Transition (1400 – 1100 ky) climate variation as revealed at IODP Sites U1385 and U1387 along SW Portuguese margin (planktonic foraminifera fauna and stable isotopes);
(3) Paleotemperature and paleoproductivicty reconstructions along the Iberian margin during the Holocene, using multi-proxies (stable isotopes and trace elements in planktonic foraminifera, planktonic foraminifera assemblages, calcium carbonate, organic carbon);
(4) Transfer functions temperature and productivicty equations, applying planktonic foraminifera;
(5) Sedimentology.
5. Laboratory experience
(1) Calcium carbonate and organic carbon analysis (Carlo Erba CHNS);
(2) Grain size analysis (COULTER, SEDIGRAPH) – Responsible for the COULTER´s equipment;
(3) Chemical characteristics proprieties (XRF- X-Ray Fluorescence core Scanner);
(4) Physical characteristics proprieties (MSCL- Multi Sensor core Logger);
(5) Planktonic foraminifera cleaning, taxonomy and analysis to trace elements, stable isotopes and 14C AMS.
6. Oceanographic campaigns
2012: (September) – IMPACT cruise.
2010/2012: CALIBERIA monthly cruises (participated in 4 from the 25 co-organized by the project).
2002: (April - May) – PALEO I cruise.
2000: (July - August) - TTR10 cruise.
2000: (January) - IBERIA 2000 cruise.
1999: (August) - LISIN 99 cruise.
7. Supervising / teaching experience
2017: Supervisor the internship Silvia Roccatagliata in the frame of our project "Porta la Laurea in azienda" from the University of Genoa, between March and July 2017
2017: Lecture in the Doutoral Program of IDL, March 28th 2017
2016: Teaching in the course " EL PAPEL DEL CAMBIO GLOBAL EN LA ALTERACIÓN DE LOS CICLOS BIOGEOQUÍMICOS". Campus do Mar, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar- Universidad de Vigo, September, 23rd.
2015: Lecture in the Paleontologia master course 2014/2015: Universidade de Évora, Évora, 17th April 2015; Fac Ciência e Tecnologia – Nova Univ. Lisboa, Lisboa, 28th May
2014: Teaching in the course "CFA 1 - 4ºc: EL PAPEL DEL CAMBIO GLOBAL EN LA ALTERACIÓN DE LOS CICLOS BIOGEOQUÍMICOS". Campus do Mar, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar- Universidad de Vigo, 04/07/2014
2010/2012: supervisor 4 young researchers: Maria Fuentes, Ana Alberto, Catarina Cavaleiro, and Célia Santos. All of them CALIBERIA´s grantees.
2007/2009: taxonomy trainer and supervision of four undergraduate and graduate students’ of the University of Chicago - Department of Gephysical Sciences.
8. Prizes
2016 - APOCEAN Scientific Prize 2016 attributed to the paper:
Salgueiro, E., Naughton, F., Voelker, A.H.L., de Abreu, L., Alberto, A., Rossignol, L., Duprat, J., Magalhães, V.H., Vaqueiro, S., Turon, J.L. and Abrantes, F., 2014. Past circulation along the western Iberian margin: a time slice vision from the Last Glacial to the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews(106): 316-329. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.09.001
9. Fellowship Grants
2011 - INTIMATE Cost Action - INTIMATE workshop, 7th-9th February 2011.
2009 - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – Short stay grant (3 months) at University of Chicago between Fev and April 2009.
2008 - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – Short stay grant (3 months) at University of Chicago between March and May 2008.
2007 - IMAGES – travel grant to 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP9) - Shanghai (China), 3rd to 7th September, 2007.
2007 - Fundação Luso-Americana – Short stay grant (4 months) at University of Chicago between February and May 2007.
2005 - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (2005) – Short stay grant (3 month) at the Faculty of Geosciences of University Bremen between June and August 2005.
2005 - Fundação Luso-Americana –travel grant to AGU Fall Meet. S. Francisco, California, USA, 5th to 9th December, 2005.
2003 – PALEOSTUDIES: Reconstruction of Productivicty conditions on Iberian Margin: A foraminiferal overview for the last 130ky. Multi-species stable isotope measurements and a 3-week long stay at the Faculty of Geosciences of University Bremen in April-May 2003 from the "Paleostudies" program under the "Access to Research Infra-structures Activity of the Human Potential Programme of the European Community".
10. Participation in research projects
10.1. PI of Projects
1) CALIBERIA: "PI of the project"-“Multi-proxy Calibration along the NW Iberian margin: Improving paleoceanographic reconstructions“ (PTDC/MAR/102045/2008): March 2010 – September 2013.
10.2. Participation as participant in the follow research projects:
14) CINNAMOW – Avaliação do impacto da água Mediterrânica sobre a circulação do Atlântico Norte e do clima no início das glaciações do Hemisfério Norte - CINNAMOW” (PTDC/MAR-PRO/3396/2014) – May 2016-April 2019.
13) PES– Pockmarks and fluid seepage in the Estremadura Spur: implications for regional geology, biology, and petroleum systems (PTDC/GEOFIQ/5162/2014) – May 2016-April 2019.
12) ProMira project – “Protecção e gestão de pradarias marinhas e dos sapais do estuário do Mira como suporte vital às atividades de pesca, aquicultura e como viveiro de espécies“ (PROMAR-31-03-02-FEP-006): Feb 2015 – Dec 2015.
11) IMPACT - Eurofleets “Regional 1” 2010 (European Commission) Long-term effects of continued trawling on deep-water muddy grounds, Coordinated by Margarida Castro, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal: 2012.
10) DIATBIO: “Cheking coastal upwelling related diatoms' biomarkers: potencial proxy for primary productivity reconstructions“ (PTDC/AAG-GLO/3737/2012): June 2013 - May 2015.
9) MOWCADYN: “Surface and Mediterranean Outflow Water Dynamics in the Gulf of Cadiz during the Pleistocene“ (PTDC/MAR-PRO/3761/2012): May 2013 - September 2013.
8) CARBOM: “Caracterização Ambiental e Avaliação dos Recursos Biogênicos Oceânicos da Margem Continental Brasileira e Zona Oceânica Adjacente”. Funded by: Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia do Brasil, Edital INCT-MAR. 2011-2014
7) EXCAPA: “Vertical exportation of biogenic material in the NW Iberian Peninsula upwelling system). Funded by: Xunta de Galicia (10MDS402013PR)-2011-2012
6) Cooperação bilateral CSIC-FCT: 2010-2011
5) MONA: “Integration of proxy data from the North Atlantic for modelling climatic events“ (PTDC/AAC-AMB/108449/2008): March 2010 – June 2013.
4) INTER-TRACE:“Rapid changes in interglacial surface and deep-water properties in the North Atlantic: temperature, nutrient and density variability derived from trace element analysis” (PTDC/CLI/70772/2006): May 2008 - July 2011.
3) PORTO:”Past Ocean Circulation and Productivity Changes on the Portuguese Margin and in the Open North Atlantic: Northern Hemisphere – Antarctic Linkages 380,000 to 800,000 years ago” (POCTI/MAR/58282/2004):November 2007 - August 2009.
2) INGMAR (Reforço da Capacidade de Investigação no Domínio da Geologia Marinha) as PhD student.
1) CANIGO: Canary Islands Azores Gibraltar Observations (1999), European fundation.
10.3. As collaborator:
1) CLIMHOL: “Holocene climatic variability in the North Atlantic and adjacent landmasses: land-sea direct correlation” (PTDC/AAC-CLI/100157/2008).
2) PACEMAKER:“Past Continental Climate Change: Temperatures from Marine and Lacustrine Archives”, ERC project.
10.4 As consultant:
1) EVAL: "Model and proxy evaluation: are the reconstructed and projected climate changes real?" (EXPL/AAG-GLO/1067/2012).
11. Publications
11.1. Thesis:
2) 2006: Salgueiro, M.E.C. “Oceanography and productivity conditions on the Iberian margin: a 150 ky foraminifera record”. Ph.D. thesis in “Natural Sciences”, Department of Geosciences, Bremen University (Germany), p. 154;
1) 2000: Salgueiro, M.E.C. “Implementação de Medidas de Minimização de Impactes Ambientais em Pedreiras”. Ms.D. thesis in “Engineering Geology” by Sciences and Technological Faculty, New University of Lisbon (Portugal), p. 237.
11.2. Papers in international scientific periodicals with referees
Conference (extended) abstracts:
2) Voelker, A. H. L., Jimenez-Espejo, F. J., Bahr, A., Acton, G. D., Rebotim, A., Salgueiro, E., Röhl, U., Escutia, C., 2014, Mediterranean Outflow Water changes in the Gulf of Cadiz during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition - The role of insolation. In: van Rooji, D. and Rüggeberg, A. (Eds). Book of Abstracts, 2nd Deep Water Congress: The Contourite Log-Book. Ghent, Belgium, 10-12 September 2014. VLIZ Special Publication 69, Ghent University, Dept. of Geology and Soil Science – Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee/Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Oostende (Belgium), 29-30.
1) Salgueiro, E., Voelker, A., Martin, P.A., Rodrigues, T., Prabhu, C.N., Abrantes, F. and Grimalt, J.O., 2009. Temperature and nutrients changes during MIS 11c and the Holocene on the Portuguese margin. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13): A1150-A1150. doi: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000267229902757
15) Zúñiga, D., Santos, C., Froján, M., Salgueiro, E., Rufino, M.M., De la Granda, F., Figueiras, F.G., Castro, C.G., Abrantes, F., 2017. Diatoms as a paleoproductivity proxy in the NW Iberian coastal upwelling system (NE Atlantic). Biogeosciences 14, 1165-1179. doi:10.5194/bg-2016-201
14) Zúñiga, D., Villacieros-Robineau. N., Salgueiro, E., Alonso-Pérez, F., Rosón, G., Abrantes, F., Castro, C.G. (2016). Particle fluxes in the NW Iberian coastal upwelling system: Hydrodynamic and biological control. Continental Shelf Research 123, 89–98.
13) Naughton, F., Sanchez Goñi, M.F., Rodrigues, T., Salgueiro, E., Costas, S., Desprat, S., Duprat, J., Michel, E., Rossignol, L., Zaragosi, S., Abrantes, F. (in press). Climate variability across the last deglaciation in NW Iberia and its margin. Quaternary International. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.073
12) Voelker, A. H. L., Salgueiro, E., Rodrigues, T., Jiminez-Espejo, F. J., Bahr, A., Alberto, A., Loureiro, I., Padilha, M., Rebotim, A., Roehl, U. Mediterranean Outflow and Surface Water Variability off southern Portugal during the early Pleistocene - a snapshot at Marine Isotope Stages 29 to 34 (1020 - 1135 ka) in press. Global and Planetary Change. 133: 223-237
11) Martins, M. V. A., Perretti, A. R., Salgueiro, E., Frontalini, F., Moreno, J., Soares, A., M., Mahiques, M., Silva, S. , de Azevedo, C., A., Alveirinho Dias, J. 2015. Atlantic sea surface temperatures estimated from planktonic foraminifera off the Iberian Margin over the last 40 Ka BP. Marine Geology 367, 191–201.
10) Bartels-Jónsdóttir, H. B., Voelker, A. H. L., Abrantes, F. G., Salgueiro, E., Rodrigues, T. and Knudsen, K. L. 2015. High-frequency surface water variability in the Tagus prodelta off Lisbon during the last two millennia. Marine Micropaleontology, 117, 13-24. doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2015.03.001.
9) Salgueiro, E., Naughton, F., Voelker, A.H.L., de Abreu, L., Alberto, A., Rossignol, L., Duprat, J., Magalhães, V.H., Vaqueiro, S., Turon, J.L. and Abrantes, F., 2014. Past circulation along the western Iberian margin: a time slice vision from the Last Glacial to the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews(106): 316-329. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.09.001.
8) Fonseca, P., Abrantes, F., Aguilar, R., Campos, A., Cunha, M., Ferreira, D., Fonseca, T.P., Garcia, S., Henriques, V., Machado, M., Mecho, A., Relvas, P., Rodrigues, C.F., Salgueiro, E., Vieira, R., Weetman, A. and Castro, M., 2014. A deep-water crinoid Leptometra celtica bed off the Portuguese south coast. Marine Biodiversity, 44(2): 223-228. doi: 10.1007/s12526-013-0191-2.
7) Sánchez, M.C., Jimenez-Espejo, F.J., Vallejo, M.D.S., Gibaja, B.J.F., Carvalho, A.F., Martinez-Ruiz, F., Gamiz, M. R, Flores, A, Paytan, A.,; Sáez, J.A. L., Peña-Chocarro, L, Carrión, J.S., Muñiz, A.M., Izquierdo, E. R., Cantal, J.A. R., Dean, R., Salgueiro, E., Sánchez, R. M. M., Rubia de Gracia, J.J., Francisco, M.C. L., Peláez, J.L.V.; Bicho, N. F. (2012). The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in southern Iberia: A Maghrebian? Neolithisation wave coupled to the 7.4 ky cal. BP climatic event. Quaternary Research, 77: 221–234.
6) Patton, G., Martin, P.A., Voelker, A., Salgueiro, E. (2011). Multiproxy comparison of oceanographic temperature during Heinrich Events in the eastern subtropical Atlantic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 310 (1-2), 45-58, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.07.028.
5) Salgueiro, E.; Voelker, A.; de Abreu, L.; Abrantes, F.; Meggers, H.; Wefer, G.. (2010) Temperature and Productivity Changes off the Western Iberian Margin during the last 150 ky. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29, 680-695. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.11.013.
4) Eynaud, F., de Abreu, L., Voelker, A., Schönfeld, J., Salgueiro, E., Turon, J-L, Penaud, A., Toucanne, S., Naughton, F.,Sanchez-Goñi, M., Malaizé, B., Cacho, I. (2009). The position of the Polar Front through time (last 45ka) along the western Iberian margin. G3, 10 (7), , . doi: 10.1029/2009GC002398.
3) Salgueiro, E., Voelker, A., Abrantes, F., Meggers, H., Pflaumann, U., Loncaric, N., González-Álvarez, R., Oliveira, P., Bartels-Jonsdottir, H., Moreno, J., and Wefer, G..(2008) Planktonic foraminifera from modern sediments reflect upwelling patterns off Iberia: Insights from a regional transfer function. Mar Mic, 66 (3-4), 135-164.doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2007.09.003.
2) Nave, S.; Salgueiro, E.; Abrantes, F.; (2003). “Siliceous sedimentary record of the last 280 ky in the Canary basin (NW Africa)”, Marine Geology, vol. 196, pp. 21-35.
1) Abrantes, F.; Meggers, H.; Nave, S.; Bollman, J.; Palma, S.; Sprengel, C.; Henderiks, J.; Salgueiro, E.; Moita, T.; Neuer, S. (2002). “Fluxes of micro-organisms along a productivity gradient in the Canary Islands region (29ºN): implications for paleoreconstructions”, Deep-Sea Res. II, vol.49, pg.3599-3629.
11.3. Papers in national periodicals with referes
1) Salgueiro, E.; Abrantes, F.; Loncaric, N.; Lebreiro, S.; Moreno, J.; Pflaumann, U.; Oliveira, P.; Moita, T.; Meggers, H. (2003) Os foraminíferos e a história do afloramento costeiro na Margem Portuguesa durante os últimos 2000 anos. VI Congress National of Geology, Lisboa, Portugal. Ciencias da Terra, volume especial V, pg.130-131.
12. Communications
12.1. Oral communications
Invited talks
5) E. Salgueiro. Aplicação de Foraminíferos planctónicos na reconstrução das condições ambientais dos oceanos e do clima no passado. Nucleo de Estudantes de Geologia – Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (NEG-FCUL)Seminar. Lisbon, 29th Abril 2015
4) E. Salgueiro, C. G. Castro, D. Zuniga, P. A. Martin, J. Groeneveld, F. de la Granda, N. Villaceiros-Robineau, F. Alonso-Perez, A. Alberto, T. Rodrigues, M. M. Rufino, F. F. G. Abrantes, A.H.L. Voelker, 2014, Planktonic Foraminifera Proxies Calibration Off the NW Iberian Margin: Nutrients Approach. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2014.
3) Salgueiro, E., Martin, P.A., Abrantes, F.. Temperature and Productivity along Southwest and South of Portugal: Planktonic Foraminifera Trace Element and Isotope Proxies. Noon Balloon Seminar. The University of Chicago - Department of Geophysical Sciences on 25th January, 2008.
2) Salgueiro, E., Paleotemperature and Paleoproductivity Conditions on the Iberian Margin. Graduate Seminar. The University of Chicago - Department of Geophysical Sciences on October, 10th 2007.
1) Salgueiro, E., Calibrating trace element proxies from planktonic foraminifera off the Iberian margin. Noon Baloon Seminar. The University of Chicago - Department of Geophysical Sciences on March, 2nd 2007.
Other talks
10 talks were presented without invitation as 1st author in National and International Scientific Meetings
31) M. Alonso-Garcia, E.Salgueiro, T. Rodrigues, C.A. Alvarez-Zarikian, W. Soares,A.I. Lopes, H. Kuhnert, U. Röhl, A. Voelker, F.J. Sierro, J.A. Flores, and F. Abrantes. Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene oscillations in Mediterranean Overflow water and climate in the Iberian Margin. PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting, Zaragoza, Spain, 9-13 May 2017.
30) Naughton F., Costas, S., Gomes, S., Rodrigues, T., Sanchez-Goñi, M.F., Desprat, S.,, Bronk-Ramsey, C., Renssen, H., Trigo, R., Salgueiro, E., Voelker, A.H.L., Abrantes, F. Coupled ocean and atmospheric changes during the Younger Dryas in Central Western Iberia. PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting, Zaragoza, Spain, 9-13 May 2017.
29) Salgueiro E, Naughton F, Voelker AHL, de Abreu L, Alberto A, Rossignol L, Duprat J, Magalhães VH, Vaqueiro S, Turon J-L, Abrantes F. (2016). Past circulation along the Western Iberian margin: a time slice vision from the last glacial to the Holocene. APOCEAN meeting, S. Pedro de Moel, Portugal, 6 - 7 May of 2016.
28) Voelker AHL, van Geldern R, Salgueiro E, Waniek J. (2016). Stable Isotope Signatures of Water Masses from the North Atlantic’s subpolar to subtropical gyre. APOCEAN meeting, S. Pedro de Moel, Portugal, 6 - 7 May of 2016.
27) Naughton F, Rodrigues T, Salgueiro E, Sanchez Goñi MF, Desprat S, Costas S, Gomes S, Bronk-Ramsey C, Duprat J, Michel E, Rossignol L, Zaragosi S, Prabhu CN, Oliveira D, Voelker AHL, Abrantes F. (2016). Climate variability across the last deglaciation in western Iberia and its margin. APOCEAN meeting, S. Pedro de Moel, Portugal, 6 - 7 May of 2016.
26) Magalhaes VH, Duarte D, Terrinha P, Abrantes F, Salgueiro E., Madureira P, Ribeiro C, Lavoile C, Correia R, the PES project scientific team (2016). Iceberg plough marks in the Estremadura Spur pockmarks field. APOCEAN meeting, S. Pedro de Moel, Portugal, 6 - 7 May of 2016.
25) Voelker, A.H.L., Rodrigues, T., Padilha, M., Jimenez-Espejo, F.J., Bahr, A., Salgueiro, E., Rebotim, A., Cavaleiro, C., Röhl, U., Kuhnert, H., Surface and Mediterranean Outflow Water Variability during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition – Evidence from IODP Site U1387 offshore southern Portugal. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-6491; EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna (Austria), 23-28 April 2016
24) Zúñiga D., Villacieros-Robineau N., Salgueiro E., Fernández-Bastero S., Bañuelos R., Alonso-Pérez F., Abrantes F., Figueiras F.G., Rosón G., Castro C.G. Long Term time series of vertical particle fluxes in the NW Iberian Coastal Upwelling System (NE Atlantic). ASLO Meeting, Granada, Spain, 22-27 February 2015.
23) Voelker, A. H. L., Jimenez-Espejo, F. J., Bahr, A., Acton, G. D., Rebotim, A., Salgueiro, E., Röhl, U., Escutia, C., 2014, Mediterranean Outflow Water changes in the Gulf of Cadiz during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition - The role of insolation. 2nd Deep Water Congress: The Contourite Log-Book. Ghent, Belgium, 10-12 September 2014.
22) Voelker, A. H. L., Rufino, M.M., Salgueiro, E., Abrantes, F., 2014. Impact of millennial-scale climate variability on North Atlantic planktonic foraminifer diversity. Final INTIMATE workshop, Zaragoza, Spain, 16-18 June 2014.
21) Salgueiro, E., Zuñiga, D., Castro C.G., Martin P.A., Groeneveld, J., de la Granda, F., Villacieros-Robineau, N., Alonso- Pérez, F., Rodrigues, T., Abrantes F., Voelker A. (2014). Planktonic foraminifera trace elements calibration off the NW Iberian margin: temperature and nutrients view. 1º Encontro de Oceanografia (APOCEAN), Nazaré 21-22 March 2014.
20) Virgínia A. Martins, Emília Salgueiro, João Moreno, António M. Soares, João Alveirinho Dias, Daniel Rey, Andreas Mackensen, Paulo Miranda, Fabrizio Frontalini, Lazaro Laut and Maria Antonieta C. Rodrigues, 2014. Atlantic sea surface temperature estimation based on planktonic foraminiferal census off the Iberian Margin during the last 40 ka. In Margarida Marchant & Tatiana Hromic, Abstract Volume, International Symposium On Foraminifera (Forams 2014). University of Concepcion, Chile, 19-24 January 2014, pp. 66-67. ISBN: 978-83-88927-35-5
19) Abrantes F., Rodrigues T., Naughton, F., Gil, I., Salgueiro, E., Stroynowski, Z., Santos, C., Oliveira, D., Domingues, S., Mil-Homens, M., Witt, L., Drago, T., (2013),The Lastest Holocene Climatic Record off Iberia, Workshop “Holocene Climate changes”, London, UK, 4-5 April 2013.
18) Salgueiro, E., Rodrigues, T., de la Granda, F., Villacieros-Robineau, N., Alonso, F., Zuñiga, D., Alberto, A., Oliveira, P., Martin P.A., Castro, C.G., Voelker, A., Abrantes, F. 2012. Planktonic foraminifera proxies calibration off the NW Iberian margin: temperature and nutrients view. MIA12, Lisbon, 16-20 December.
17) Martins, V., Dias, J.M.A., Moreno, J., Salgueiro, E., Mackensen, A., Rubio, B., Rey, D., Magalhães, V., Laut, L., Santos, J.F., Rocha, F., 2012. Changes in temperature and productivity in the last 40,000 years - NW Iberian Continental Margin. 7º Simpósio sobre a Margem Ibérica Atlântica - MIA12, 16-20 de Dezembro de 2012, Lisboa, p. 65-66.
16) Cavaleiro, C., Salgueiro, E., Silva, A., Narciso, A., Flores, J. A., Arbones, B., Zuñiga, D., de la Granda, F., Villacieros-Robineau, N., Alonso, F., Castro, C. G. 2012. Proxy calibration: What are coccolithophores of Galician waters and surface sediments telling us? MIA12, Lisbon, 16-20 December.
15) Santos, C., Pazos, P., Frójan, M., Abrantes, F.,Salgueiro, E., Castro, C.G., Figueiras, F.G., Zúñiga, D., Oliveira, P., Lopes, C. & Rufino, M. – Seasonal flux of diatoms in the NW Iberian Margin: from the water column into the ocean sediments. 7 th Symposium on the Atlantic Iberian Margin – MIA 2012; Lisbon, Portugal, 16 – 20 December 2012.
14) Patton, G.M., Martin, P.A., Salgueiro, E., Voelker, A.H.L., Paleoceanographic interpretation of the light rare earth elements. Goldschmidt 2012, Montreal, Canada, 24-29 June 2012.
13) Salgueiro, E., Voelker, A., Martin, P. A., Rebotim, A., Abrantes, F., Paleoceanographic conditions in the Western Portuguese margin during the mid-Brunhes (MIS 12-9) and Holocene. RCMNS-RCANS meeting on “Climate changes, bioevents and geochronology in the Atlantic and Mediterranean over the last 23 Myr”, Salamanca (Espanha); 21 – 23 Setembro de 2011.
12) Voelker, A., Salgueiro, E., (2011). The Polar Front position during glacial abrupt climate change events and its impact on the hydrography and productivity along the western Iberian margin. Abstract ID 2466. XVIII. INQUA Congress, Bern (Switzerland), 21 – 27 July 2011
11) Salgueiro, E., De Abreu, L., Voelker, A., Vaqueiro, S., Abrantes, F., Duprat, J., Turon, J-L., Temperature and productivity gradients along the Western Iberian Margin during the last 50ky. "IGBP meeting", Lisbon, Portugal, between 4th and 5th November 2010.
10) Salgueiro, E., De Abreu, L., Voelker, A., Vaqueiro, S., Abrantes, F., Duprat, J., Turon, J-L., Temperature and productivity gradients within the Western Iberian upwelling system in response to glacial and Heinrich-Event climate forcing. "FORAMS 2010 meeting", Bonn, Alemanha, between 5th and 10th September 2010.
9) Salgueiro, E.; Sierro, F.; Voelker. A.; Abreu, L. The view through Planktonic foraminifera. IMAGES-PAGES Workshop "Circum-Iberia Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate", Peniche, Portugal, between 15th and 18th January, 2007.
8) Salgueiro, E.; Vaqueiro, S.; Abreu, L.; Abrantes, F.; Colmenero, E. Productivity during the last four glacial – interglacial cycles. IMAGES-PAGES Workshop "Circum-Iberia Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate", Peniche, Portugal, between 15th and 18th January, 2007.
7) Rodrigues, T., Salgueiro, E., Cacho, I., Ruehlemann, C., Colmenero-Hidalgo, E., Abrantes, F., Voelker, A.. The Holocene Record of the western Iberian margin: Marine proxy data. IMAGES-PAGES Workshop "Circum-Iberia Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate", Peniche, Portugal, between 15th and 18th January, 2007.
6) Voelker, A., Salgueiro, E., Late Holocene water column variability along the southwestern Iberian margin. IMAGES-PAGES Workshop "Circum-Iberia Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate", Peniche, Portugal, between 15th and 18th January, 2007.
5) de Abreu, L., Eynaud, F., Salgueiro, E., Vautravers, M., Voelker, A., Gonzalez- Mora, B.. Millennial-scale variability on the Portuguese and Galician margins. IMAGES-PAGES Workshop "Circum-Iberia Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate", Peniche, Portugal, between 15th and 18th January, 2007.
4) Voelker, A., Lebreiro, S., Martin, P., Rogerson, M., Loewemark, L., Salgueiro, E., Schönfeld, J., The history of the Mediterranean Outflow (MOW) during the last 100 kyr – and beyond. IMAGES-PAGES Workshop "Circum-Iberia Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate", Peniche, Portugal, between 15th and 18th January, 2007.
3) Salgueiro, E.; Voelker, A.; de Abreu L.; Abrantes, F.; Meggers, H.(2006) "Variações Hidrográficas e de Produtividade ao largo da margem Ocidental Ibérica durante os últimos 150 ka". VII Congresso Nacional de Geologia abstract book, Évora, Portugal.
2) Salgueiro, E.; Voelker, A.; de Abreu, L.; Abrantes, F; Meggers, H.; Wefer, G. (2005) “Paleotemperature and Paleoproductivity Conditions off the Northwestern Iberian Margin During the Last 140 ky”. “Coastal Hope”abstract book, Lisboa, Portugal.
1) Nave, S.; Salgueiro, E.; Freitas, P.; Abrantes, F. (1999). “Diatom Sedimentary Record During the Last 150 kyr at Canary Island Region”. CANIGO Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
12.2. Posters in conferences
27 papers were presented as 1st author in National and International Scientific Meetings:
60) Vitor Magalhaes, Mafalda Freitas, M Rosário Azevedo, Luís Pinheiro, Emília Salgueiro, Fátima Abrantes and the IODP Expedition 366 Scientists. Comparison of authigenic carbonates formation at mud volcanoes and pockmarks in the Portuguese Margin and at the Yinazao serpentinite mud volcano in the Marianas forearc (submitted). AGU Fall Meeting 2017.
59) M. Alonso-Garcia, E. Salgueiro, T. Rodrigues, C.A. Alvarez-Zarikian, W. Soares,A.I. Lopes, H. Kuhnert, U. Röhl, A. Voelker, F.J. Sierro, J.A. Flores, and F. Abrantes. Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene oscillations in Mediterranean Overflow water and climate in the Iberian Margin. PlioVAR workshop, Durham University, UK, 19-21 April 2017.
58) Voelker, A. H. L., Rodrigues, T., Padilha, M., Jimenez-Espejo, F. J., Bahr, A., Salgueiro, E., Rebotim, A., Cavaleiro, C., Röhl, U., Kuhnert, H., Impressions of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition in Surface and Mediterranean Outflow Water Records from the Gulf of Cadiz, Portugal. PAGES Open Science Meeting, Zaragoza (Spain), 10-13 May 2017
57) Abrantes, F., Rodrigues. T., Rufino, M., Naughton, F., Gil, I., Salgueiro, E., Stroynowski, Z., Drago, T., Santos, C., Oliveira, D., Domingues, S., Alberto, A., Mil-Homens, M., The climate of the last two millennia off Iberia. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-9686, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna (Austria), 23-28 April 2017
56) Voelker, A.H.L., Rodrigues, T., Padilha, M., Jimenez-Espejo, F., Salgueiro, E., Kuhnert, H., Early to middle Pleistocene climate records off Southern Iberia reveal two types of interglacial climate evolution. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-10456, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna (Austria), 23-28 April 2017
55) Voelker, A.H.L., Rodrigues, T., Padilha, M., Jimenez-Espejo, F., Salgueiro, E., Kuhnert, H., Early to middle Pleistocene climate records off Southern Iberia reveal two types of interglacial climate evolution. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (USA), 12-16 December 2016
54) M. Alonso-Garcia, E. Salgueiro, T. Rodrigues, C.A. Alvarez-Zarikian, H. Kuhnert, U. Röhl, A. Voelker, F.J. Sierro, and F. Abrantes. Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene oscillations in Mediterranean Overflow water: a new perspective from the Iberian Margin. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
53) Salgueiro, E., Castro, C.G., Zuñiga, D., Rufino, M., Groeneveld, J., de la Granda, F., Villacieros-Robineau, N., Alonso-Pérez, F., Voelker, A., Abrantes, F. (2016). Stable carbon isotopes of planktonic foraminifera, a proxy for water column nutrients? The NW Iberian Margin as a case study. To be presented at 12nd International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP12), Utrecht, Netherland, 28 August – 2 September 2016.
52) Voelker, A.H.L., Rodrigues. T., Padilha, M., Jimenez-Espejo, F.J., Bahr, A., Salgueiro, E., Rebotim, A., Cavaleiro, C., Röhl, U., Kuhnert, H., Balestra, B., Flores, J. A.. Surface and Mediterranean Outflow Water Variability during Marine Isotope Stages 16 to 48 (630 – 1480 ka) at IODP Site U1387 off southern Portugal. To be presented at 12nd International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP12), Utrecht, Netherland, 28 August – 2 September 2016.
51) Alonso-Garcia M, Salgueiro E, Rodrigues T, Abrantes F, Voelker A, Sierro FJ (2016). Mediterranean Overflow water signal during the Plio-Pleistocene transition: a new perspective from IODP Site U1391. APOCEAN meeting, S. Pedro de Moel, Portugal, 6 - 7 May of 2016.
50) Salgueiro E, Naughton F, Voelker AHL, de Abreu L, Alberto A, Rossignol L, Duprat J, Magalhães VH, Vaqueiro S, Turon J-L, Abrantes F. (2016). Past circulation along the Western Iberian margin: a time slice vision from the last glacial to the Holocene. APOCEAN meeting, S. Pedro de Moel, Portugal, 6 - 7 May of 2016.
49) Voelker AHL, van Geldern R, Salgueiro E, Waniek J. (2016). Stable Isotope Signatures of Water Masses from the North Atlantic’s subpolar to subtropical gyre. APOCEAN meeting, S. Pedro de Moel, Portugal, 6 - 7 May of 2016.
48) Naughton F, Rodrigues T, Salgueiro E, Sanchez Goñi MF, Desprat S, Costas S, Gomes S, Bronk-Ramsey C, Duprat J, Michel E, Rossignol L, Zaragosi S, Prabhu CN, Oliveira D, Voelker AHL, Abrantes F. (2016). Climate variability across the last deglaciation in western Iberia and its margin. APOCEAN meeting, S. Pedro de Moel, Portugal, 6 - 7 May of 2016.
47) Magalhaes VH, Duarte D, Terrinha P, Abrantes F, Salgueiro E, Madureira P, Ribeiro C, Lavoile C, Correia R, the PES project scientific team (2016). Iceberg plough marks in the Estremadura Spur pockmarks field. APOCEAN meeting, S. Pedro de Moel, Portugal, 6 - 7 May of 2016.
46) Voelker, A.H.L., Salgueiro, E., Thierry, V., Water masses along the OVIDE 2010 section as identified by oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope values. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-9320; EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna (Austria), 23-28 April 2016
45) Voelker, A. H. L., Jimenez-Espejo, F. J., Salgueiro, E., Rodrigues, T., Bahr, A., Padilha, M., Alberto, A., Loureiro, I., Rebotim, A., Röhl, U., 2015, Surface Water and Mediterranean Outflow Water Variability at IODP Site U1387 during the early to middle Pleistocene (660 -1970 ka); Abstract No. T02427, XIX INQUA Congress 2015, Nagoya (Japan), 26 July – 2 August 2015
44) Voelker, A.H.L., Salgueiro, E., Rodrigues, T., Padilha, M., Alberto, A., Loureiro, I., Rebotim, A., Jimenez-Espejo, F.J., Bahr, A., and Röhl, U. Surface Water and Mediterranean Outflow Water Variability During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (Marine Isotope Stages 17-36) – the IODP Site U1387 record. EGU 2015 Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015.
43) Voelker, A.H.L., Jimenez-Espejo, F.J., Bahr, A., Acton, G., Alberto, A., Rebotim, A., Salgueiro, E., Roehl, U. 2014. What Drives Mediterranean Outflow Water Variability during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition and Early Pleistocene at IODP Site U1387 in the Gulf of Cadiz? AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2014 – INVITED
42) Rufino, M. M., Salgueiro, E., Voelker, A.H.L., Abrantes, F.F.G. 2014, Past Planktonic Diversity. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2014
41) Salgueiro, E., Voelker, A.H.L., Abrantes, F., Rodrigues, T., Sierro, F.J., Hodell, D.A., Alberto, A., Freitas, P. S. Temperature and Productivity Variability Along the Southwestern Portuguese Margin During the Onset of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2014
40) Santos, C., Zuñiga, D., Hefter, J., Frójan, M., Salgueiro, E., Castro, C.G., Figueiras, F.G., Schefuβ, E., Mollenhauer, G., Abrantes, F. Diatom seasonal abundance, Assemblages and Lipid Biomarkers: Towards a More Robust Reconstruction of Diatom Paleoproductivity. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2014
39) Salgueiro, E., Naughton, F., Voelker, A., de Abreu, L., Alberto, A., Rossignol, L., Duprat, J., Magalhães, V., Vaqueiro, S., Turon, J.-L., Abrantes, F., 2014. Past circulation along the Western Iberian margin: a time slice vision from the last glacial to the Holocene. Final INTIMATE workshop, Zaragoza, Spain, 16-18 June 2014.
38) Salgueiro, E., Rodrigues, T., Bahr, A., Jimenez-Espejo, F., Roehl, U., Alberto, A., Rebotim, A., Voelker, A. Climate variability in the Gulf of Cadiz during the onset of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. IODP Expedition 339 2nd Post-cruise Meeting. Tarifa, Spain, 3-6 June 2014.
37) Voelker, V., Acton, G.D., Bahr,A., Jimenez-Espejo, F.J., Rebotim, A., Alberto, A., Salgueiro, E., Röhl, U., Escutia, C., Kucera, M. The Difficulty of Making a Splice in Contourite Drift Sediments: Splice Corrections for IODP Sites U1387 and U1390. IODP Expedition 339 2nd Post-cruise Meeting. Tarifa, Spain, 3-6 June 2014. INVITED
36) Rufino, M.M., Salgueiro, E., Voelker A., Abrantes F.,. (2014). Past Planktonic Foraminifera Diversity. 1º Encontro de Oceanografia (APOCEAN), Nazaré 21-22 March 2014.
35) Salgueiro, E., Castro C.G., Zuñiga, D., Martin P.A., Rodrigues T., Groeneveld, J., de la Granda F., Villacieros-Robineau, N., Alonso- Pérez, F., Abrantes F., Voelker A. (2014) Temperature and nutrient calibration off the NW Iberian margin. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai, 23-28 February 2014.
34) Salgueiro, E., Castro C.G., Martin P.A., Groeneveld, J., , de la Granda F., Villacieros-Robineau, N., Alonso F., Zuñiga, D., Rodrigues T., Rufino, M., Abrantes F., Voelker A. (2013) Planktonic foraminifera trace elements calibration off the NW Iberian margin: temperature and nutrientes view. ICP11, Sitges - Barcelona, Espanha,1 -7 September 2013,
33) Santos, C., Frójan, M.Pazos, P., Zúñiga, D., Abrantes, F., Salgueiro, E., Castro, C.G., Figueiras, F.G., Oliveira, P., Lopes, C., Rufino, M. (2013) Diatoms record in the NW Iberian Margin: from the water column into the ocean sediments. ICP11, Sitges - Barcelona, Espanha,1 -7 September 2013,
32) Gil, I., McManus, J., Salgueiro, E., Abrantes, F. (2013) The nature of the opal burial in the Equatorial Atlantic during the Bølling. ICP11, Sitges - Barcelona, Espanha,1 -7 September 2013.
31) Rodrigues,T, Rufino, M., Santos, C., Salgueiro, E., Abrantes, F., Oliveira P. (2012). Iberian Sea Surface Temperature calibration based in Alkenones paleotemperature index Uk’37; 7º Simpósio sobre a Margem Ibérica Atlântica - MIA12; Lisbon 16-20 December 2012.
30) Oliveira, P.B, de la Granda-Grandoso, F, Villacieros-Robineau, N, Alonso, F, Castro, C.G., Salgueiro, E. (2012). Aspectos da variabilidade da temperatura e fitopigmentos ao largo da costa NW da Península Ibérica. Encontro de Oceanografía Física. Aveiro, Portugal.
29) Salgueiro, E., Rodrigues T., de la Granda F., Villacieros-Robineau, N., Alonso F., Zuñiga, D., Martin P.A., Castro C.G., Voelker A., Abrantes F. (2012) Temperature calibration along the NW Iberian margin: multi-proxy approach. EGU, Viena, Áustria 22 a 28 de Abril de 2012.
28) Zúñiga D., Salgueiro, E., Sánchez-Leal R., Villacieros Robineaux N., Santos C., Abrantes F, Castro C.G. (2011), Analysis of long-term oxygen variations in the NW Iberian upwelling system. Congresso Internacional Ocean deoxygenation and implications for marine biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems. Tolouse (France), 24-26 Outubro de 2011.
27) Salgueiro, E., De Abreu. L., Voelker, A., Vaqueiro, S., Abrantes, F., Duprat, J., Turon, J-L. (2011), Temperature and productivity variations along the western Iberian Margin during the last 50ky. INTIMATE workshop, 7th-9th February 2011.
26) Salgueiro, E., Martin, P.A., Voelker, A., Prabhu, C.N., Abrantes, F. (2010), MIS 11c and Holocene temperature on the Portuguese Margin as revealed by Mg/Ca and oxygen stable isotopes. FORAMS 2010 meeting, 5th-10th September 2010.
25) Salgueiro, E., Voelker, A., Martin, P.A., Rodrigues, T., Prabhu, C.N., Abrantes, F., Grimalt, J.O. (2010), Temperature and nutrients changes during MIS 11c and the Holocene on the Portuguese margin, CIÊNCIA2010 meeting, 4th-7th July 2010.
24) Voelker, A., Salgueiro, E., de Abreu, L. (2010), Hydrographic changes along the western Iberian margin: The need to reconstruct and understand regional climate responses for glacial climate record integration, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-12675. Poster no EGU General Assembly, Viena (Austria), 3rd–7th May 2010.
23) Salgueiro, E., Martin, P.A., Voelker, A., Abrantes, F.F. (2009). Temperature calibration along the Iberian-NW Africa margin, using modern planktonic foraminifera trace element and stable isotope ratios. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP31B-1334. S. Francisco, California, USA., 14th to 18th December, 2009.
22) Salgueiro, E., Abrantes, F., Loncaric, N., Moreno, J., Mil-Homens, M., Voelker, A., Martin, P., Freitas, P. (2009), The Mediterranean water record along the southwestern Portuguese margin during the Late Holocene: Multi-proxy study, 4th ESF MedCLIVAR Workshop on Feedbacks of the Mediterranean Dynamics in the Global Climate System”, Sesimbra (Portugal), 28th – 30th September, 2009.
21) Salgueiro, E., Voelker, A., Martin, P.A., Rodrigues, T., Prabhu, C.N., Abrantes, F., Grimalt, J.O. (2009), Temperature and nutrients changes during MIS 11c and the Holocene on the Portuguese margin. Goldschmidt Meeting in Davos (Swissland), 21st to 26th June, 2009.
20) Salgueiro, E., Martin, P.A., Voelker, A., Rodrigues, T., Abrantes, F., Grimalt, J.O. (2008), Upper water column structure during Marine Isotope Stage 11.3 and the Holocene on the Portuguese Margin. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP33C-1563. San Francisco (USA), 15th to 19th December, 2008.
19) Salgueiro, E., Martin, P.A., Voelker, A., Abrantes, F. (2008), Regional calibration for planktonic foraminifera trace element and stable isotopes ratios: towards reconstructing seasonal temperature and nutrient signals. Accepted for poster presentation at the EPICA meeting, Venice (Italy), 10th – 13th November, 2008.
18) Salgueiro, E., Martin, P.A., Abrantes, F. (2008), Temperature and Productivity Calibration along the Southern Portuguese margin, using modern planktonic foraminifera trace element and stable isotope proxies. International Symposium on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems: integrative and comparative approaches, Las Palmas (Spain), 2nd-6th June, 2008.
17) Voelker, A., Salgueiro, E., de Abreu, L. (2008), Southward Shift of Export Productivity Maxima During Glacial Cold Periods off the Western Iberian Margin. International Symposium on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems: integrative and comparative approaches, Las Palmas (Spain), 2nd-6th June, 2008.
16) Salgueiro, E., Martin, P.A., Abrantes, F. (2007), Temperature and Productivity Calibration off Southwest and South Portugal: Planktonic Foraminifera Trace Element Proxies Application. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP31B-0413. San Francisco (USA), 10th to 14th December, 2007.
15) Salgueiro, E., de Abreu, L., Voelker, A., Vaqueiro, S., Abrantes, F. (2007), Temperature and productivity variations along the western Iberian Margin during the last four glacial-interglacial cycles. Poster (P4–57), 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP) - Shanghai (China), 3rd to 7th September, 2007; ICP9 abstract volume, p. 205-206.
14) Salgueiro, E., de Abreu, L.,E., Voelker, A., Abrantes, F., Meggers, H. (2006), Millennial-scale Temperature and Productivity Variations Along the Western Iberian Margin During the Last Two and Four Glacial-Interglacial Cycles. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP23B-1746. S. Francisco, California, USA, 11th to 15th December, 2006.
13) Martins, V., Salgueiro, E., Dias, J.M.A., Rocha, F. (2006) Paleoproductivity at the NW Iberian continental slope during the last 31.5 kyr. International Symposium on Foraminifera, FORAMS 2006, NATAL, Brasil, September 10–15, 2006. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências, UFRJ, vol. 29 (1), pp. 607-608.
12) Martins, V., Salgueiro, E., Sequeira, C., Dias, J.M.A., Rocha, F. (2006) Paleoproductivity at the NW Iberian Continental Slope during the last 31.5 kyr. Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geosciences Union 2006, Viena, Austria, vol. 8, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-10293.
11) Salgueiro, E., Voelker, A., de Abreu, L., Abrantes, F., Meggers, H. (2005) Paleotemperature and Paleoproductivity Conditions off the West Iberian Margin During the Last 150 ky. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP51D-0638. S. Francisco, California, USA, 5th to 9th December, 2005.
10) de Abreu, L., Abrantes, F., Voelker, A., Shackleton, N., Tzedakis, P., McManus, J., Oppo, D., Salgueiro, E., Hall, M. (2005), Ocean Climate Variability in the Eastern North Atlantic During Interglacial MIS 11: A Partial Analogue to the Holocene. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP41B-0640. S. Francisco, California, USA, 5th to 9th December, 2005.
9) Salgueiro, E., Abrantes , F.; Meggers , H.; Voelker , A.; Loncaric , N.; Oliveira , P.; Moreno , J.; Bartels-Jonsdottir , H.B.; Pflaumann , U.; Wefer, G. (2005). “Recent Planktonic Foraminifera Distribution off Portugal. A Regional Transfer Function”. EUG Joint Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.7, 9066, Vienna, Áustria, April 2005.
8) Salgueiro, E.; Meggers, H.; Abrantes, F.; Wefer, G. (2004) “Climatic changes during the last 140 ky off Cape Finisterra (Western Iberia)”. 8th International Conference on Paleoceanography, Biarritz, France, Sept., 2004.
7) Salgueiro, E., Abrantes, F.; Meggers, H.; Loncaric, N.; Oliveira. P.; Moreno, J.; Bartels-Jonsdottir, H.B; Pflaumann, U.; Wefer, G. (2004) “Distribution of Modern Planktonic Foraminifera”. off Portugal. Regional Transfer Function”. Portuguese-Spanish Seminar IGBP 2004. Global Change and Sustainability, Évora, Portugal.
6) Salgueiro, E., Abrantes, F.; Loncaric, N.; Lebreiro, S.; Moreno, J.; Pflaumann, U.; Oliveira, P.; Moita, T.; Meggers, H. (2003) “Os foraminíferos e a história do afloramento costeiro na Margem Portuguesa durante os últimos 2000 anos”. VI Congress National of Geology, Lisboa, Portugal. Ciencias da Terra, volume especial V, pg.130-131.
5) Salgueiro, E., Abrantes, F.; Loncaric, N.; Lebreiro, S.; Moreno, J.; Pflaumann, U.; Oliveira, P.; Meggers, H.: “Productivity changes off Portugal: Foraminiferal evidence for the last 1500 years”. EGS, AGU, and EUG Joint Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.5, Nice, França, France, April 2003.
4) Ferreira, P., Pinto, A., Murton, B.; Monteiro, J.H., Magalhães, V.H., Salgueiro, E., Lopes, C., Quartau, R., Stepanov, A. (2001). “Hidrothermal geological material from the Lucky Strike field collected during TTR-10 Leg 2, Azores, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geological processes on deep-water European margins”. International Conference and Nineth Post-Cruise Meeting of the Training-Through- Research Programme, Moscow-Mozhenka, Russia.
3) Nave, S.;Palma, S.; Meggers, H.; Henderiks, J.; Salgueiro, E.; Freitas, P.; Abrantes, F. (2000). “A top-to-bottom perspective given by diatoms along a productivity gradient off NW Africa”. Seminar IGBP 2000. Global Change: Biophysical and Social-economical Impact, Aveiro, Portugal.
2) Henderiks, J.; Bollmann, J.; Thierstein, H.R.; Nave, S.; Salgueiro, E.; Freitas, P.; Abrantes, F.; Freudenthal, T.; Meggers, H. (1999). “The Fossil Record of Siliceous and Calcareous Phytoplankton in the Canary Current Sistem: A Time-Slice Approach”. CANIGO Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
1) Nave, S., Salgueiro, E., Freitas P., Neuer, S.; Meggers, H,; Henderiks, J.; Abrantes, F. (1999). “Diatoms at the Canary Island Region: The Ancient Record and the Present View”. Abstract OS51D-17. AGU 1999 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Califórnia, USA.
13. Scientific activity spreading actions
7) Estágios Ciência Viva nos Laboratórios: Vamos pesquisar hidrocarbonetos nos sedimentos do sapal (A. Rodrigues, M. Mil-homens, J. Raimundo, E. Salgueiro)
6) Participation IPMA Open Day 2017
5) IPMA Escolas 2016/2017 (2 activities, quasi every month during the school calendar)
4) Participation in the IPMA´s booth at the Blue Week 2016
3) Participation in the Project “A Ponte e a Ciência Azul ( 2014/2015: Determinar a Temperatura dos Oceanos (sem usar o Termómetro).
2) Participation in the IPMA spreading action with the Sesimbra students from the 3º cycle: O Mar de Sesimbra na Europa e no Mundo. 20th March 2015.
1) Participation in the “IPMA Open Day”, inside of Tecnology Science Week. 26th November 2014.