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Cunha RL, Tenorio MJ, Afonso CM, Castilho R, Zardoya R. Replaying the tape: recurring biogeographical patterns in Cape Verde Conus after 12 million years. Molecular Ecology. 2008;17(3).
Olveira JG, Soares F, Engrola S, Dopazo CP, Bandín I. Antemortem versus postmortem methods for detection of betanodavirus in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation . 2008;20(2).


Teodósio MA, Amaral A, Morais P, Chícharo L. Effect of sex on ratios and concentrations of DNA and RNA in three marine species. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2007;332:241 - 245.
Martínez-Crego B. Posidonia meadows: a valuable and sensitive heritage (in Spanish). Hábitat 12. 2007;12:4-7.
Oliveira CCV, Ortega A, López‐Olmeda JFernando, Vera LMaría, Sánchez‐Vázquez FJavier. Influence of Constant Light and Darkness, Light Intensity, and Light Spectrum on Plasma Melatonin Rhythms in Senegal Sole. Chronobiology International. 2007;24(4):615 - 627.
Garrido S, Rosa R, Ben-Hamadou R, Cunha MEmilia, Teodósio MA, van der Lingen CD. Effect of maternal fat reserves on the fatty acid composition of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) oocytes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2007;148(4):398 - 409.
Mata L, Silva J, Schuenhoff A, Santos R. Is the tetrasporophyte of Asparagopsis armata (Bonnemaisoniales) limited by inorganic carbon in integrated aquaculture? 1. Journal of Phycology. 2007;43(6):1252 - 1258.
Arrais D, Martins J. Bilayer polarity and its thermal dependency in the ℓo and ℓd phases of binary phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol mixtures. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 2007;1768(11):2914 - 2922.
Alt-Epping U, Mil-Homens M, Hebbeln D, Abrantes F, Schneider RR. Provenance of organic matter and nutrient conditions on a river- and upwelling influenced shelf: A case study from the Portuguese Margin. Marine Geology. 2007;243(1-4):169 - 179.
Conceição LEC, Ribeiro L, Engrola S, et al. Nutritional physiology during development of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). Aquaculture. 2007;268(1-4):64 - 81.
Pinto W, Aragão C, Soares F, Dinis MTeresa, Conceição LEC. Growth, stress response and free amino acid levels in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup 1858) chronically exposed to exogenous ammonia. Aquaculture Research. 2007;38(11):1198 - 1204.
Santos AMP, Chícharo A, Santos ADos, et al. Physical–biological interactions in the life history of small pelagic fish in the Western Iberia Upwelling Ecosystem. Progress in Oceanography. 2007;74(2-3):192 - 209.
Brito ABB, M. Cancela L, Gavaia P. Expression of osteonectin correlates with levels of fin regeneration in zebrafish (Danio rerio). FEBS Journal. 2007;274:265 - 306.
Olivé I, Brun FG, Vergara JJ, J. Pérez-Lloréns L. Effects of light and biomass partitioning on growth, photosynthesis and carbohydrate content of the seagrass Zostera noltii Hornem. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2007;345(2):90 - 100.
Aragão C, Conceição LEC, Lacuisse M, Yúfera M, Dinis MTeresa. Do dietary amino acid profiles affect performance of larval gilthead seabream?. Aquatic Living Resources. 2007;20(2):155 - 161.
Borges R, Ben-Hamadou R, Chícharo A, Ré P, Gonçalves EJ. Horizontal spatial and temporal distribution patterns of nearshore larval fish assemblages at a temperate rocky shore. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2007;71(3-4):412 - 428.
da Silva JPaulo, M. Mateus CDA, Da Silva AM, Ferreira LFVieira, Burrows HD. Solution and surface photochemistry of fenarimol: A comparative study. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 2007;186(2-3):278 - 282.