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Canario AVM, Scott AP. Synthesis of 20 alpha-hydroxylated steroids by ovaries of the dab (Limanda limanda). Gen Comp Endocrinol. 1989;76(1):147-58.
Cunha MEmilia, Figueiredo I, Farinha A, Santos M. Estimation of sardine spawning biomass off Portugal by egg production method. ICES CM. 1989.


Abrantes F. Diatom assemblages as upwelling indicators in surface sediments off Portugal. Marine Geology. 1988;85(1):15 - 39.
de Vernejoul MC, Benamout MP, M. Cancela L, et al. [Primary hyperparathyroidism seen in rheumatology. Clinical symptoms and the relation between bone histologic signs and biological parameters]. Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic. 1988;55(7):489-94.
Parisi M, M. Cancela L. Time course studies on phosphate transfer in frog urinary bladder. Kidney Int. 1988;33(1):58-63.


Howell BR, Canario AVM. The influence of sand on the estimation of resting metabolic rate of juvenile sole, Solea solea (L.). Journal of Fish Biology. 1987;31(2):277 - 280.
M. Cancela L, Marie PJ, Le Boulch N, Miravet L. Lack of biological activity of vitamin D3-3 beta sulfate during lactation in vitamin D-deficient rats. Reprod Nutr Dev. 1987;27(6):979-97.


Marie PJ, M. Cancela L, Le Boulch N, Miravet L. Bone changes due to pregnancy and lactation: influence of vitamin D status. Am J Physiol. 1986;251(4 Pt 1):E400-6.
Le Boulch N, M. Cancela L, Miravet L, Lange C. Assessment of vitamin D sulphate in human milk using desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Biomed Environ Mass Spectrom. 1986;13(2):53-6.
Gruson M, M. Cancela L, Denne MA, Miravet L. Relationship between bone GLA-protein (BGP) and calcidiol (25-hydroxycalciferol) in serum of breast-fed infants. Endocrinol Exp. 1986;20(2-3):329-34.
Le Boulch N, M. Cancela L, Miravet L. Calcidiol in human milk. The effect of prohormone on vitamin D status of breast fed unsupplemented infants. Endocrinol Exp. 1986;20(2-3):325-8.