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Carvalho AN, Pereira F, Bosnic I, Taborda R, Drago T, Gaspar MB. Sedimentary dynamics and benthic macrofauna distribution: Insights from the shoreface in southern Portugal. Journal of Sea Research. 2018;137:9 - 25.
Eichert M, Campos A, Fonseca P, Lopes P, Marques L, Castro M. Effects of reallocating fishing effort from trawling to creels in a Norway lobster fishery. Marine Policy. 2018;93:142 - 149.
Li J, Hubbard PC, Canario AVM. Male zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) odorants attract females and induce spawning. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2018;3(4):139 - 144.
Lopes C, Mix AC. North Pacific Paleotemperature and Paleoproductivity Reconstructions Based on Diatom Species. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 2018;33(7):703 - 715.
Lüdmann T, Betzler C, Eberli GP, et al. Carbonate delta drift: A new sediment drift type. Marine Geology. 2018;401:98 - 111.
Navarro-Guillén C, Cerqueira M, Conceição LEC, Yúfera M, Engrola S. Daily nutrient utilization and swimming activity patterns in Senegalese sole ( Solea senegalensis ) post-larvae. Aquaculture. 2018;492:164 - 169.
van Oppen MJH, Bongaerts P, Frade P, et al. Adaptation to reef habitats through selection on the coral animal and its associated microbiome. Molecular Ecology. 2018;27(14):2956 - 2971.
Alexandre A, Silva J, Santos R. Light Is More Important Than Nutrient Ratios of Fertilization for Cymodocea nodosa Seedling Development. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018;9.
Alves RN, Sundell KS, Anjos L, et al. Structural and functional maturation of skin during metamorphosis in the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). Cell and Tissue Research. 2018;372(3):469 - 492.
Belattmania Z, Chaouti A, Reani A, et al. The introduction of Sargassum muticum modifies epifaunal patterns in a Moroccan seagrass meadow. Marine Ecology. 2018;39(3):e12507.
Coston-Guarini J, Guarini J-M, Boehm FRicarda, et al. A new probabilistic approach to estimating marine gastropod densities from baited traps. Marine Ecology. 2018;39(3):e12509.
Cunha L, Rodrigues S, da Costa ARosa, Faleiro M, Buttini F, Grenha A. Inhalable Fucoidan Microparticles Combining Two Antitubercular Drugs with Potential Application in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Therapy. Polymers. 2018;10(6):636.
Font T, Gil J, Lloret J. The commercialization and use of exotic baits in recreational fisheries in the north-western Mediterranean: Environmental and management implications. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2018;28(3):651 - 661.
Oliveira CCV, Figueiredo F, Soares F, Pinto W, Dinis MTeresa. Meagre’s melatonin profiles under captivity: circadian rhythmicity and light sensitiveness. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2018;44(3):885 - 893.
Palma TLuz, Donaldben MNeba, Costa MClara, Carlier JDias. Putative Role of Flavobacterium, Dokdonella and Methylophilus Strains in Paracetamol Biodegradation. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2018;229(6).
Vieira RP, Coelho R, Denda A, Martin B, Gonçalves JMS, Christiansen B. Deep-sea fishes from Senghor Seamount and the adjacent abyssal plain (Eastern Central Atlantic). Marine Biodiversity. 2018;48(2):963 - 975.
Andrews JT, Voelker AHL. “Heinrich events” (& sediments): A history of terminology and recommendations for future usage. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2018;187:31 - 40.
Aureliano M, Simão S. Peroxynitrite versus decavanadate protein oxidative modifications: the case of myosin. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2018;120:S69.
Ho P-W, Klein M, Futschik M, Nevoigt E. Glycerol positive promoters for tailored metabolic engineering of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Yeast Research. 2018;18(3).