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Uysal S, Ugurlu A, Zengin G, et al. Novel in vitro and in silico insights of the multi-biological activities and chemical composition of Bidens tripartita L. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2018;111:525 - 536.
Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Jacinto R, Lourenço CR, Serrão EA, Nicastro KR. Re-assessing the origins of the invasive mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in southern Africa. Marine and Freshwater Research. 2018;69(4):607.
Simão M, Camacho A, Ostertag A, et al. Iron-enriched diet contributes to early onset of osteoporotic phenotype in a mouse model of hereditary hemochromatosis. Pantopoulos K, ed. PLOS ONE. 2018;13(11):e0207441.
Zapater C, Molés G, Muñoz I, Pinto PIS, Canario AVM, Gomez A. Differential involvement of the three nuclear estrogen receptors during oogenesis in European sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax )†. Biology of Reproduction. 2018;100(3):757 - 772.
Ghezzo MN, Fernandes MT, Pacheco-Leyva I, et al. FoxN1-dependent thymic epithelial cells promote T-cell leukemia development. Carcinogenesis. 2018;39(12):1463 - 1476.
Chefaoui RM, Duarte CM, Serrão EA. Dramatic loss of seagrass habitat under projected climate change in the Mediterranean Sea. Global Change Biology. 2018.
Cardeira J, Laizé V, Martins G, M. Cancela L, Gavaia P. An overview on the teleost bone mechanophysiology. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2018.
Goñi MFSánche, Desprat S, Fletcher WJ, et al. Pollen from the Deep-Sea: A Breakthrough in the Mystery of the Ice AgesTable_1.xlsx. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018;9.
Roggatz CC, González-Wangüemert M, Pereira H, et al. A first glance into the nutritional properties of the sea cucumber Parastichopus regalis from the Mediterranean Sea (SE Spain). Natural Product Research. 2018;32(1):116 - 120.
Romeiro A, M. Azenha E, Canle M, Rodrigues VHN, da Silva JPaulo, Burrows HD. Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Photocatalysed Degradation of Ibuprofen and Naproxen in Water: Competing Hydroxyl Radical Attack and Oxidative Decarboxylation by Semiconductor Holes. ChemistrySelect. 2018;3(39):10915 - 10924.
Carson MA, Nelson J, M. Cancela L, et al. Screening for osteogenic activity in extracts from Irish marine organisms: The potential of Ceramium pallidum. Cray JJ, ed. PLOS ONE. 2018;13(11):e0207303.
Bulleri F, Eriksson BKlemens, Queirós A, et al. Harnessing positive species interactions as a tool against climate-driven loss of coastal biodiversity. PLOS Biology. 2018;16(9):e2006852.
Berković B, Coelho N, Gouveia L, Serrão EA, Alberto F. Individual-based genetic analyses support asexual hydrochory dispersal in Zostera noltei. Mazzuca S, ed. PLOS ONE. 2018;13(8):e0199275.
Cox CJ. Land Plant Molecular Phylogenetics: A Review with Comments on Evaluating Incongruence Among Phylogenies. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2018;37(2-3):113 - 127.
Fazenda C, Martins G, Gavaia P, M. Cancela L, Conceição N. Generation of zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) transgenic lines overexpressing a heat-shock mediated Gla-rich protein. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2018.
Campos I, Matos E, Aragão C, Pintado M, Valente LMP. Apparent digestibility coefficients of processed agro-food by-products in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles. Aquaculture Nutrition. 2018;24(4):1274 - 1286.
de Magalhães CRaposo, Cerqueira M, Schrama D, Moreira M, Boonanuntanasarn S, Rodrigues P. A Proteomics and other Omics approach in the context of farmed fish welfare and biomarker discovery. Reviews in Aquaculture. 2018;12(1).