Based on the ecological function and services of seagrass meadows ecosystems provide, our researchers have studied how these ecosystems improve water quality in aquaculture systems.
Since the late 19th century, almost 30 per cent of known seagrass area across the world has been lost. Our researcher, Carmen Santos. coordinated one of the chapters of this report.
A new study focusing on Ria Formosa led by CCMAR researchers.
CCMAR researchers led a study that revealed that Europe has lost one third of its seagrass meadows in the past 150 years. But they also have good news...
O concurso "Mitose: Ciência ao Sul" trouxe em 2017 mais uma vez alunos até ao CCMAR. Durante três dias, alunos do ensino secundário, de todo o país, são recebidos nos laboratórios para desenvolver pequenos projetos.
Mais de uma dúzia de docentes de escolas de ensino básico recebem formação sobre protocolos de amostragem para a avaliação dos serviços prestados pelos sistemas costeiros na Ria Formosa. Uma iniciativa levada a cabo por investigadores do CCMAR, no âmbito do projeto REASE.
Between the 6th and 18th of December 9 students of the Master in Marine Biology will defend their thesis.
In this article recently published in the international journal "Environmental Pollution", researchers investigated the probability of coastal marine habitats retaining microplastics under controlled bio-physical conditions.
In the next years, Carmen will research the capacity of coastal vegetated ecosystems and her main objective is to assess the Blue Carbon stocks in continental Portugal. Welcome to the team!
Blue Forest Education, a new project of CCMAR, will educate and train different audiences on the importance of macroalgae, seagrass and saltmarshes.
The day was implemented in order to alert governments to the enhancement and conservation of seagrass meadows worldwide.
The action included theoretical and practical sessions and a field trip to Ria Formosa, including a visit to the seahorse’s sanctuary and the Ramalhete Aquaculture Station.
Those interested have until 28 October to buy one of the 154 panels and contribute, in this way, to the conservation of these important habitats.
Our researcher Carmen Santos is co-organizing this Summer School and will be also teaching the module on Blue Carbon.
Book chapters
Scientific articles