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Cavaleiro C, Voelker AHL, Stoll H, et al. Insolation forcing of coccolithophore productivity in the North Atlantic during the Middle Pleistocene. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2018;191:318 - 336.
Coscia I, Castilho R, Massa-Gallucci A, et al. Genetic homogeneity in the deep-sea grenadier Macrourus berglax across the North Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2018;132.
Alexandre A, Silva J, Santos R. Light is more important than nutrient ratios of fertilization for Cymodocea nodosa seedling development. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018;9:768.
Buonomo R, Chefaoui RM, Lacida RBermejo, Engelen AH, Serrão EA, Airoldi L. Predicted extinction of unique genetic diversity in marine forests of Cystoseira spp. Marine Environmental Research. 2018.
Buonomo R, Chefaoui RM, Lacida RBermejo, Engelen AH. Predicted extinction of unique genetic diversity in marine forests of Cystoseira spp. Marine Environmental Research. 2018.
Coscia I, Castilho R, Massa-Gallucci A, et al. Genetic homogeneity in the deep-sea grenadier Macrourus berglax across the North Atlantic Ocean. Deep sea research Part I: Oceanographic research papers. 2018;132.
A Santos MP, Nieblas A-E, Verley P, et al. Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) larval dispersal in the Iberian upwelling system, using coupled biophysical techniques. Progress in Oceanography. 2018;162:83–97.
Gonçalves I, Quintela T, Duarte ACatarina, et al. Neuromethodsblood-Brain Barrierexperimental Tools To Study The Regulation And Function Of The Choroid Plexus. Vol. 142. (Barichello T, ed.). New York, NY: Springer New York; 2018:205 - 230.
Engrola S, Aragão C, Valente LMP, Conceição LEC. Nutritional Modulation of Marine Fish Larvae Performance. In: Yúfera M, ed. Emerging Issues In Fish Larvae Research. Emerging Issues in Fish Larvae Research. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018:209 - 228.
Fernandez I, Gavaia P, Darias M, Gisbert E. Fat-soluble vitamins in fish: A transcriptional tissue-specific crosstalk that remains to be unveiled and characterized. In: Emerging Issues In Fish Larvae Research. Emerging issues in fish larvae research. Springer International Publishing AG; 2018.
de Sousa MInocência, Panguila EAntónio, Figueira ACristina, Esteves E. Increasefreshness And Nutritional Composition Of Several Species Of Chilled Seafood Marketed In Luanda (Angola) And In Faro (Portugal). (Mortal A, Aníbal J, Monteiro J, et al., eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018:158 - 167.
Panguila EAntónio, de Sousa MInocência, Esteves E, Figueira ACristina. Increaseevaluation Of The Freshness And Shelf-Life Of Fresh And Chilled Mackerel (Scomber Spp.) And Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Spp.), Marketed In Luanda (Angola) And In Faro (Portugal). (Mortal A, Aníbal J, Monteiro J, et al., eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018:168 - 181.
Sardo JDP, Semião J, Monteiro JM, et al. Increaseportable Device For Touch, Taste And Smell Sensations In Augmented Reality Experiences. (Mortal A, Aníbal J, Monteiro J, et al., eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018:305 - 320.
Afonso V, Tangerino L, Oliveira D, Raposo S. Increaseculture Strategies For Lipid Production Using Low-Cost Carbon Sources By Rhodosporidium Toruloides. (Mortal A, Aníbal J, Monteiro J, et al., eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018:103 - 116.
Rodrigues PM, Martin SAM, Silva TS, et al. Proteomics in Fish and Aquaculture Research. In: Almeida A, Eckersall D, Miller I, eds. Proteomics In Domestic Animals: From Farm To Systems Biology. 1stst ed. Proteomics in Domestic Animals: from Farm to Systems Biology. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018:311 - 338.
Saraiva JL, Castanheira MF, Arechavala-López PA, Bray P, Studer BHeinzpeter. The CAREFISH project: establishing scientific welfare standards in fish farming certification. 2018.