Main scientific interests and experience
Free key words: Biological surveys, Dredging impacts, Environment impacts, Estuarine and Coastal lagoons ecology, Fishing Impacts, Fishing discards, Invasive marine species, Marine biodiversity, Marine ecosystems, Marine Molluscs, Marine habitat mapping, Marine protected areas, Mollusc biogeography, Mollusc taxonomy, Reef invertebrate fauna, Seagrass invertebrate communities, Seamount biogeography.
Main activities and responsibilities
Sampling with various methods (beach-seine nets, bottom trawl nets, drag-stick, "push-net", Van-Veen dredge); Underwater Visual Census of invertebrate fauna (transect); Photographic registration of marine fauna in situ; Taxonomic identification of samples of coastal marine fauna (invertebrates) and collection of biometric data; Creation of databases and preparation of written reports.